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"Mum!" I exclaim as I run over to her, she's sitting in the shotgun seat of her Ferrari, looking, for the first time I've ever seen her, weak.

My mother is one of the strongest people out there, she doesn't look weak, not when getting ready to fight the Volturi, not when telling dad she accidentally crashed her previous Ferrari, not ever.

Except now, when she's sitting, eyes closed in the front seat of the car, she looks like a human who got stampeded on by rhinos.

When I reach her I throw my arms around her gratefully, she reaches around me to pat my back, and I feel dad stroke my hair softly. "renesme" she murmurs almost appreciatively.

"I'm here mum" I assure her as I pull away to hug dad.

"What happened?" Jacob demands angrily of dad.

"We don't know" dad says "one of her calf muscles split but we re sealed it with venom, otherwise, we have no des what's wrong" I shiver involuntarily.

"Grandpa will know" I say firmly "we have to go back now" I press my palm to dads face in emphasis, choosing for the first time in a long time to use my special way of communication.

"We will" he tells me "you and Jacob will follow us back up in the rabbit" he directs the last bit of the sentence of Jacob, who nodds affirmatively.

"What about the others?" I ask.

"They're staying here to work the rest of This mess out" dad tells me.

"Shouldn't me and jake stay too then?" I inquire.

"I don't have time to argue ness" he says firmly "ill see the two of you, on my tail all the way up state" with that he hurries to the drivers side and gets ini the car, speeding off. Jake looks at me.

"Do you wanna grab your stuff?" he asks.

"Na" I say "leaving it will give aunt Alice an excuse to buy a new car to get it back home"

"Fair enough" he smirks before getting into the car.

The ride home is mostly silent, both of us are worried about mum, although I think he has more faith that she will e ok, me, not so much.

We pass lots if scenery on the way back, but I don't take any of it in, I just look at my reflection in the window, looking for the features that are distinctly mum.

The eyes obviously, the exact same shape, although the colour is slightly more golden than the chocolate brown hers previously were. I have dads crooked mouth, but mums uneven lips. I don't even know who's nose I have, a nose is just a nose really. both of them are in my hair, dads colour and mums texture and slight curls. I can't help but feel like I have to remember these details, as if one day I will forget what bits of me look like who.

"What are you thinking about?" jake asks.

"Ya'know" I say "the usual"

"C'mon Ness" he smiles "in just trying to start a conversation "

"I'm thinking about how I want to remember what I look like today" I supply "after all, I might look completely different tommorow"

"Everyone's always going on about how much you change, but I honestly hardly notice, your always just the same old beautiful Nessie to me" I blush slightly at his compliment.

"Old" I murmer "that's one thing I wish I was"

"No you don't!" he exclaims "you should like being young"

"Nobody else is young" I point out "your almost 17 years older than me"

"Physically I'm like 25 or something though" he grins at that remark, like its an inside joke he has with himself.

"And physically I'm like 17"

"14" he disagrees.

"No way!" I exclaim "16 at the youngest"

"15?" he asks, turning to looks at me pleadingly.

"Fine" I say sulkily.

He turns back to the road and grins triumphantly.


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