Chapter 8- jump

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"jake?" I almost cry too as his crys shake my feeble body. "I'm sorry ness"" he brings his head up and gives me a small smile "I just, I'm so so so sorry that I made you feel like that, that I didn't realize" "shhh" I whisper to him as I quieten his lips with mine.

His lips are gentle this time, the third time, I guess that now we have found the art of kissing, we don't want to stop, like a child with a new toy, we don't want to have to stop, my first kiss, and his first since long before Iwas born, if I'm being told the truth, his hands cradle my face, pulling me gently towards him, I wrap my arms around his back and pull him as close as physu

Physicly possible. "ness" this time he smiles as he pulls away, "there's no rush" he promisises me, "we have all of eternaty to love each other, "

"I know" I whisper, old habits die hard I guess, all I want to do is scream that he deserves better than an eternaty with vampires. But I don't want to. I want him to never leave my side, to never have to go, to always be mine, and I always be his, his Nessie.

"we have until 7" he whispers into my ear, "what happened to forever?" I tease "well at seven, there is a certain bonfire that we have to attend" he smiles at me as he leans towards me, his hands supporting my neck, slowly drop, bringing me with them untill I am completely relying on his arms, "do you trust me?" he whispers, his lips a centimeter from mine, "yes" I breath as suddenly he has stood up, me in his arms cradled like a baby, we're running now, towards the cliffs, we're there in minuts, the forest flying past us, "what are we doing?" I yell over the sound of the crashing waves "I'll show you" he grins as he leaps off the cliff face, my screams echo with the rock.

In the water his arms still don't leave me, still they stay wrapped around my waist as he propels us towards the surface, I gasp as my head breaks the water, Jakes face, dripping wet, he pulls my face towards his as his lips find mine and I wrap my arms around his neck, all of everything ceases to exist, the waves, the rocks, the air, everything, there is just me and jake, together for ever.


A/N- vote if jake and ness are a cute couple :)

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