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I'm out the door before the car even stops, breezing quickly and silently to mum and dads room, which is where I'd guess mum is.

"Ness" aunt Rose stops me before I can enter the room, her face has a slightly crumpled look, as if she has been mulling over some particularly bad news for a few months and it has started to show on her face.

"Where's mum?" I demand trying to push past her.

"She's going to be fine Nessie" aunt rose uses her sweetest voice, the voice I've learnt to think of as her 'lets lie to protect people!" voice.

"Let me past" I say cooly, emmet was right before, even rose can beat me in a fight. "Let me past aunt rose" this time I try to push past her, and when thatdoesnt work, I try shoving her out of my way.

"No" she says distractedly. she looks up and over my head, if takes me a second to piece together the puzzle, and that second makes me to late. Jakes arms wrap around me, lifting me up and over his shoulder, my legs hitting his chest as his big strides make me bounce up and down. I try to kick at him to make him let me go, but even I know it's pointless, just one of the many crappy perks of being me.

"Jake" I say trying not to cry "mum needs me"

"Ness" he says soothingly as he flips me over so that if I was taller, my toes would touch the ground, his big arms hold me up to his chest. "your mum is my best friend, I know her better than anybody, and trust me on this, she would want you far far away from what's going on right now"

"You may be her bestfriend" I splitter angrily "but I'm your girlfriend, and I want to be with my mum!"

"Sorry ness" he whispers sadly "but someone who will remain nameless just locked the door, we are stuck" jake releases me, just in time for me to make out footsteps heading down the hall.

"I'm a half-breed vampire" I say angrily "I can break down a door" or if that fails the wwindows we're stuck in the spare bedroom, not that most of the bedrooms are used. I know that jake took me here because its the farthest room from mum and dads, but I can still make out some muttering coming from that direction.

I brace myself and kick out hard at the door, only to find it reinforced with a special uncle of mine. "uncle em!" I scream angrily. "what the frick?"

"Careful ness" he calls "swearing is a very unattractive quality" i growl in response and head for a window. "I wouldn't try that, I'll be out there to cat h your fall before your even halfway to the windowsill" stupid bastard.

Jake just grins at me. "even on bed arrest your moms thorough"

"The term is bed rest" I correct him absentmindedly. I'm not angry with jake, I'm not even sure it's physical possible for me to be angry with him, or vice versa.

I start making my way awkwardly toward the window, trying to strain my ears so that I will hear it when emmet moves. its a quiet sound, but I'm just able to make it out. and as soon as I hear it, I'm out the door.

I'm not as fast as a vampire, but I'm more determined than they are. I burst through the door that leads into mum and dads bedroom, just as uncle em reaches out to stop me.

Bursting through the door I freeze.

Mom is sitting on the bed, white as chalk, and surrounded by a pool of blood.

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