Chapter 10- pain

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  • Dedicated to Taylor Novis

Suddenly howls pierce the night as we turn and rush for the window, everyone is behind me as I rush at literal lightning speed, the howls come from deep in the forest, my hearts misses to many beats as my hands press up against the glass, my breath fogs up on the surface. "ness" em starts slowly as she stares at me, "it o.."

"it's not "okay" " I cut her off sharply, "how do we know what's going o ?" I stare at there faces in horror as the anguish at the thought, that, maybe they crying for jake, maybe he is go.... NO I will not think that, "for all we know, they are crying because they have lost!"

"nes.." em starts again

"for all you know it was Sam!" I shout hysterically, "or Paul, or Jared, or quil, or seth, or" I stutter over the last name "jake"

"that s enough renesmee" Emily shouts as she takes Claire in her arms, the poor girls hysterical and I almost regret what I said. "renesemee" Rachel starts soothingly as she puts her arm around me, "I know jake" I look into her deep brown eyes and see years of built up Tera's and worrys, "I grew up with him, he's my brother and I love him" she sits me on the couch as I let the first tear escapes my eyes, "but" I starts my voice breaking,

"I can see how much my little brother loves you ness" I smile at her kind words, "I see it in his eyes every time you enter the room, I see it in his smile as you touch, I see it in his laugh as you talk, I see it in his heart as he thinks of you"

"but what if.." I mumble

"my brother loves you too much to die ness, he would rather battle a thousand foes and suffer a million wounds than leave you alone to cry over his death" her words bring tears that I'm not ashamed of, "but what if.." I try again,

"ness jake wouldn't want to cry or worry over him" she reminds me and I smile slightly through my tears at the truth in her words, jake wouldn't want me to sit here crying while he fought, he would want me to fight with him.

"Nessie what?" em calls from the couch where she sits with Claire in her lap, but I'm already long gone, I won't sit there and cry while jake fights, while he's in danger, I will stand with him.

The howling has stopped, but I can remember perfectly the exact spot that it came from, the forest here at least I know, I could find the one oak tree with red flowers around the trunk, I could find anything, I know these woods.

"jacob" I scream at, the top of my lungs, I run towards the spot of the howl my legs pumping hard, but still not fast enough, "Jacob!" my voice curls into a high pitched scream as i reach towards the clearing, "jacob" my body breaks out in high pitched sobs as I don't hear a single answere to my call, "jake" dry sobs shake my body so hard that I almost fall, I can't bring on any tears, he wouldn't leave me waiting, upset, scared, afraid, my Jacob wouldn't do that.

"Jacob" new terror drowns in my voice as I scream. Over on the other side of the clearing, a branch shakes.

"Jacob" I call cautiously, "is that you?"

"hello renesemee" a sweet cold voice greets me as a dark cloaked figure steps away from the mass of trees, the cloak is almost pure black, only compared to my memory's of the original threes black cloaks of death, does this one look anything but the purest of blacks. The night sky is a light blue compared.

"you!" I accuse savagely as I feel myself sink into a defensive crouch.

"yes" the she devil smiles sweetly, "me"

"you" I try to speak again as my eyes dilute in anger, "you!"

"who else did you expect?" her smile grows sweeter as another cloak matching hers perfectly, steps out from the shadows.

"dear sister" the matching cloaks voice has the sweetness of hers, as a pair of the deepest red eyes set on my face, "let's finish this now"

"no" janes head tilts to the side slightly as those crimson eyes lock with mine, "to the pain"

Her eyes glint in the light of the moon as I lock my teeth over my lip, Jacob is obviously dead, I have nothing to live for, but my last act will not be screaming for mercy, I was raised better than that, my last act will be one of defiance as I lie not moving, not screaming, even as pain and death rip my fragile body to pieces.

Mum, dad, aunt Alice, uncle jasper, aunt Rosalie, uncle emmet, grandpa Carlisle, grandma esmee, Emily, Rachel.... My mind runs through all the people that will feel the loss of my life. My heart crys for my quiliete family, they have lost tpso many already tonight, how cruel am I, to take another peice of there huge hearts?

I taste blood in my mouth as my head lands on the ground, and fire rips through my body, cold fire, that burns and freezes at the same time, fire that heals as it rips, leaving more to burn, fire that shreds my whole body into tiny pieces, only to put together again, with no relif, and rip it apart once more. This fire makes all the pain I've felt in my small life put together feel like a tiny prick of a pin. Makes everything else that I have hurt for, feel like a tiny paper cut. That is what the pain means.

"sister" the boys voice speaks, the pain had stopped for a mere mili second, my breath is heavy as I gasp for the air, for the sweet beautiful, lovely air.

"what?" the she devils angel voice speaks irratated,

"someone is coming"


"another one" his voice is almost scared as I hear a foot take a small step back.

"no matter!" janes voice screeches,

"we must go!"

"no" a growl rumbles from deep inside her chest.

I hear the air part quickly as something flys towards the witch twins, something big.

I raise my head, the pain is still echoing in my mind. Stars pop up infront of my yes, but still I see a mass of russet skin and black hair leap towards the twins. I want to stop the poor un phased wolf, but I know that after they are done with him, I will die, painfully, so with my eyes closed, I focus all my energy on dieing before the pain comes.


A/N- hey vote and comment if you like it guys! One vote for next chapter please!!

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