Chapter 7- my kiss

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His lips moulded with mine so perfectly, his hands hold my neck, his fingers locked in my hair as his lips dance with mine, I feel his arm lock into place as his lips open slightly and I feel his breath tickle my mouth, my obviously human feeling push my lips open slightly and I feel him push his lips against mine so passionately that u know now he has won, I am his, he is mine.

My arms lock around his neck as I push my torso against his and I feel heat radiating off his chest. His lips suddenly push against mine again more passionately again.

"Ness" he gasps as he pulls away his arms still around my neck protectively, I smile at him knowingly, I now that never again will I be able to lie to myself or anybody else about the way I love him, which is more than I can ever possibly say, because I know that he loved me, and I love him more than he or anyone could possibly love another person, now that I know I wonder how I could ever hold back, how I could ever pretend, ever keep what I feel so desperately a secret. How?

"Ness" jake gasps again, "I love you"

"I love you too jake" I smile and feel a suddenly relief fill me which is suddenly replaced with complete and utter happiness, how much I love the boy sitting next to me, and how much he loves me.

"Jake" I start "will you do me something?" He nods at me and suddenly I feel more confident "kiss me?" I see his eyes so beautiful glow as he comes towards me and his lips linger on mine lightly before he pulls away and stands up swinging me up into his arms, "I love you renesmee" he reminds me and I laugh as he swings me around in circles, I snuggle into his chest gladly feeling like I am guarded from the most horrible things with this wonderful boy holding me in his arms.

"I love you more jake" I smile at him knowing what will come next, "ness" his voice is suddenly slightly cold as he sits down on the sand me still in his lap "don't ever doubt how much I love you kay?" His voice is casual but I can hear the seriousness in his words, "I don't jake, I just think that you don't realise how much I love you" I stare into his eyes desperate for him to understand, he merely stated back, I sigh and pull my hand away from his neck, I put it gently on his cheek, feeling the blood pulsing there, his eyes become far away, looking into the distance, I think about the love that exploded inside of me just a few minutes ago, I think about the pain it caused me to try and not tell him, I think about the way I tried to keep it from him, why I tried, I feel his feeling s change, from happiness to anger, to happiness to love. To pain.

As his face twists with agony I drop my hand and shake his shoulders desperately, "jake" I start scarred "nessie" he crys his eyes brimming with tears as he looks deeply into my eyes, "Im sorry" with that his eyes brim over and he weeps into my shoulder.


A/N- if you like it please vote/comment/fan/like if you don't like it.... Oh well thanks guys :)

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