Chapter 9- gone

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As we reach the shore I feel the water droplets start to drop away, jake has his arm around my waist as he tugs me slowly towards the forest, "where are we going?" I laugh happiness fulfilling me, "home, we need to get you dry" he squints over the glare of the water, I nod and allow him to pull me towards the rabbit.

"Hello renesmee" billy greets me as we enter the door, his voice is light and teasing, I can tell he finds us funny, "hi billy" I smile ruefully at him, "hey dad" jake adds sarcastically, his hand in my waist tightens, "come on Ness" he mutters as he tows me towards his room, I just let my feet fall infront of me, he will take me where I need to be.

"Ummm jake" I mutter embarrassed "why are we in your room?"

"Wait here" he says coldly as he leaves, I stand shivering slightly, my arms are wrapped around my stomach as I wait eagerly for his return. My stomach flutters slightly, but why? Am I exited or scarred?

"Here" jake throws a towel and some cloths from my bag ate, I catch them deftly and turn to stare at him dejectedly "jake" I start throwing the clothes on the bed, "what's wrong?" I curve my body around his protectively as I wrap my arms around his neck, "ness" he starts "it's, there's something" he starts lamely

"You can tell me jake" I whisper as I bring my lips close to his, my breath tickling his lips, "They smelt a leech" he stares dejectedly into my eyes, "and?" I prompt, 'and I have to help them". He stares longingly into my eyes, "so what?" I ask curiously "we'll I was hoping you and me had plans for tonight" he mutters, "jake!" I exclaim as I smash my lips into his passionately, "I don't mind" I almost laugh pulling away from him "thanks Ness" he grins at me. Stupid werewolf, of course I don't mind, only jake would mind so much.

"I better get going" he groans slightly as he pulls away, he walks half way across the room before pulling his shirt off and throwing in to the floor behind him, "get warm ness" he turns to grin at me and for some reason his half nakedness makes me feel slightly embarrassed, "will do" I assure him. I sigh as he takes the last steps at a jog and disappears away from me.

"Renesmee" Emily exclaims as she rushes over to hug me, it's almost midnight and we haven't heard back from any of the pack, I was using up Billy's phone line calling all of the imprintess so eventually we decided that Emily would go get everyone and bring them here, at least we could almost die of anxiety together.

"Hi em" I sigh dejectedly, "any news?" She pulls back and stares in certainly into my eyes, "no' I shake my head un happily.

Slowly I get a huge anxious hug from everyone, claire, kim, rachel, and Amanda a girl about 15 who Seth just imprinted in about a few months ago.

"Do they ever stay away this long?" I croak, Emily just shakes her head in response.


A/N- hey guys so could I please get 1 vote for the next chapter? It's not much is it? I just really need somevotes, please follow me vote and comment thanx XD and any ideas for jake and Nessie are welcome moment or private message, thanx XD

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