Chapter 4- good bye

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"I'll miss you nessie" mum whispered into my curly bronze hair as she hugged me, "I'll miss you too mum" I tell her, I have never been away from my parents for more than a few hours and now. I was leaving for a week. Only a week but still. I was surprised about how eager everyone was about the plan, but it still doesn't really make sense, I mean what changes do they expect? Me turning into a cat? I mean come on. Not that I object, there is something that I have to do. And I have to do it alone, with jake.

"Good bye renesmee" dad wraps his arms around me protectively and I know that he is eyeing Jacob menacingly. "Be safe" grandma Esme calls from the kitchen window.

Jake revs the engine, he had wanted to take the motorbike but dad had put his foot down. So instead we were taking his rabbit, he still has it, mum always teases him about what he had to do for parts, I don't get if and whenever I ask for answeres I'm told its an inside joke.

I climb into the rabbit, my bags in the back already. Jakes not as fast a driver as dad or any of the others but we should still be home by midnight.

"Ready?" Jake looks at me, and I nod excitedly. In seconds we're almost down the drive.

Along the main road the rabbit manages to pass most of the other cars, "I can't wait to be home" I tell jake excitedly. He looks at me perplexed "what?" I ask self consciously

"You called it home" he says simply awestruck "sure" I answer casually "what else would I call it?"

"I dunno, Jacobs house maybe?"

"But I was born in forks" I remind him "so that's my home" I look at him for confirmation, or a crack about my birth.

"Well no I mean home can be anywhere you want it to be" he sighs

"Isn't it the place you have the most ties to?" I argue back.

"Then you've lived in straights drive for most if your life, so shouldn't that be your home?" The silly werewolf questions my theory "no because I was born in forks, grandpas in forks, you come from forks, we met the volturi in forks, I grew up in forks,vmum was born in forks, mum meet dad in forks," the list goes in but I think Jacob gets the picture. "Yeah yeah you made your point" he mutters darkly staring out the window. "Wait what does me being from forks have to do with anything?" His voice suddenly brightens. "Because your my family" I say simply, I know that it's not the answer he wants but that's all i can manage to say right now.

"Do you remember hunting in the snow?" Jake asks turning slightly to look at me, I've hunted in the snow lots but I have a feeling I know what he means "I remember" I tell him simply, "catching the snow flake, Irina, everything going wrong" if course I remember, I remember every single detail since my birth. I remember how our lives turned upside down that day.

"How far away are we?" I ask him when the fields seem to be moving sluggishly behind us. "Well" he starts dramatically, "for a human" he grins "a day" his grin grows "so four hours" he grin looks like it might fall off "maybe three" I roll my eyes at him. He's picked up driving fast from dad and the others, mum said she used to be against the sort of driving dad does, but thats hard to believe with how she drives now.

"Jake" I turn towards him "when did you stop loving mum?" Time to put phase one of my plan into action, I see his face register shock and then calm, "as soon as I looked at you ness" he smiles at me un sure, "so when you thought mum was dead?" I know that it's hard for jake to talk about this, but I have to know.

"Yes, but it wouldn't of mattered, you were the one ness" he smiles half-heartedly again, "did you kiss her?" He almost laughs

"Yes, but it wasn't right, she always loved your dad, and it just wasn't right some how looking back at it I realise that everything that happend was wrong" I smile half heartedly in sync with him, "so you loved her?"

"We have a theory on that ness" he smiles, a theory about love?

"You see when we imprint, we feel a pull, tugging us towards a certain place, we don't realise until after, but we're being pulled towards that one person, that one person who you would do anything, be anyone for" he pauses letting it sink in, "it was you Nessie, the whole time, it wasn't her that I was in love with, it was you, from the beginning, it was you, inside of her, I loved you, when your mum was pregnant, I couldn't stay away from her, and she couldn't jeopardise the smile off her face with me around, that was you ness, you, it was like a craving that she had, a craving that you gave her, I was in love with you renesemee" he smiles at me, and I can't stop smiling at him.


A/N- please vote, it would make me very happy :)

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