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Mums blood smells even better than humans do, it smells like the sweetest combination of fresh blood, and dead blood, fresh from the vein. I feel my body tense like it does before I pounce, like a built in rreflex. my eyes narrow on the seemingly thin skin of my pale and clammy mother.

Teeth bared, I jump.

And just like that, everything goes black.

When I was little, dad used to let me sleep on the couch, it used to be my most favourite place in the whole world.

But this time, when I wake up on it, it is with a sense of dread.

"Jake?" I call reflexively.

"Hey" he murmurs from beside me. "your okay"

"What happened?" I ask groggily as I sit up.

His eyes dilate "your dad really WILL do anything to protect your mom"

"He hit me?" I ask confused, "why?"

He suddenly looks at me as if afraid I might sontaneoulsy combust. "you got this look on your face ness, as if you were about to eat her or something"

"Oh no" I murmer. I had been about to Kill my mom.

But that doesn't even make sense, mom is a vampire, I am a half breed. in no way does the equation work out. also, factor in that my mom, the indestructible vampire, was bleeding.

Do vampires even have blood?

"Jake" I say urgently "tell me what is wrong with mom"

"We dot know" he says tubing my back. "she's sscreaming bleeding, and unconscious, it's like she's changing into a vampire all over again"

"Why?!" I demand, none of this makes sense.

"We think Jane bit her"

"And? that just stings doesn't it?"

"I don't think the normal rules apply anymore ness"

"What do you mean? why are you so calm?!" I demand 'my mom is dying!"

"There's no way she's going to die" jake says almost to himself more than me.

"I wanna see her" I say surely.

"No way blood thirsty girl" he says.

"I'll control it this time!" I say "I have to see her"

"I can't let you even if I wanted to" jake says impatiently.

"Why not?" I demand.

"Because Carlisle and the others ran off with her, giving me strict instructions to stay with you" he sits back "not that I should listen to anything that bastard says after he hit you" he adds under his breath.

"Hey!" I say "he had to hit me or I would have killed mom! I don't know about you but I'd rather be knocked out time after time than have to live with having killed her"

"Okay" he says simply as he closes his eyes.

"Jake!" I bang on his chest, hard. "you can't sleep at a time like this! what about mom!"

"She's got Carlisle with her" he says absently.

"What happened to "she's my bestfriend'" I demand.

"Ness, leave it alone" he says irritably.

"No" I say getting up. "I'm leaving"

"Very funny" he says using his legs to grab my ankles and propel me into his constructing arms.

He holds me in place with arm while he goes to find his buzzing phone with the other.

"Hello?" he says.

It's carlises voice that answers.

"She's alive" he says "really alive"


Have fun deciphering that last line :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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