Chapter Eight: A dream

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I woke up in a dark place filled with trees, I was in a pile of leaves. I quickly got up because, well you like to lie in a pile of leaves, you never know if there is a snake or some other animal that might bite in the leaves. I looked around and there was no one around until I saw something or someone running towards me, so I also began to run.

That was the only thing I thought of at that moment.

I was being chased by some creature, in the woods. I could tell that it was not a human because the creature had long canines, no wait scratch that fangs! And with blood dripping from it, red eyes that looked very evil and built of the creature's body looked very different from a human's body when it was running. The creature also growled from time to time.

When I turned to look back to see if the creature was still chasing behind me, it was gone so I stopped, I looked around, I was in the middle of the woods. The place was very dark and spooky, the humming of the wind made me feel frightened, and to add to that a cool breeze passed every now and then giving me the chills (goosebumps) I felt as if someone was watching me. I looked around but I saw no one, it was just getting more creepy each and every second I stood there. I gulped loudly.

Out of nowhere the creature appeared a couple of feet away from me, my heart started to beat faster as the creature walked closer towards me. The creature growled. It sort of looked like a vampire, well of course I have never seen one before but it just matched the description of how I heard vampires look, actually it matched the description of a bad vampire, because from what I have heard not all vampires are bad, some are good, but it seemed to be a bad one.

I suddenly felt a cold hand on my shoulders, it scared the crap out of me. A male voice said, "Step back I'll handle this," pushing me backwards, the voice sounded a lot like Antonio's voice, but how? what? what would he be doing here? I didn't see the person's face, the person walked up to the creature, from behind the person also looked like Antonio.

This had to be him, but what the heck?!?

Then, that person also started to growl. The person jumped on the creature to tackle it, and they started to fight, and I hid my eyes.

They started to growl louder and I could hear something being hit down to hard to the ground, it vibrated the ground on which I stood, well I don't know it's who because I had my eyes covered. So I decided to take a peek to see who was being beaten up and who was winning but as I was about to open my eyes all the growling stopped, there was now silence in the air except for the humming of the wind.

I heard foot steps coming closer towards me, I was afraid to open my eyes to see who it was. I felt that person's/creature's arm being wrapped around me, my heart started to beat fast again,  few seconds later, by then I could tell that it was the person's arm because it felt so human-like. I didn't hug back the person though, but I recognized the all too familiar tingles, it could only be one person, so I began to relax a bit. No, this can't be who I think it is.

"Are you alright?" the person asked me and again it sounded like Antonio's voice so I decided to ask whether it was him or not.

"I'm alright now, but who are you? Is this Antonio?" I questioned the person as he still had his arms wrapped around me.

"Yes, it's me, Em," I felt protected in his arms. I exhaled and I felt more relaxed, my heart started to go back to its normal rate, and I hugged back him.

I decided to look up at him and he also had fangs and red eyes, I began to panic again. I quickly pushed him away from me and began to walk backwards. I stumbled upon a rock and fell onto the ground.

"Emma, Emma are you awake?" I heard my mother's voice.

I slowly started to open my eyes, it now appeared to me that I was dreaming. Mom was standing next to my bed.

"Why did you leave your phone, playing music while you were sleeping? huh?" mom questioned me.

"Im, I just fell asleep," I stated.

"Weren't you supposed to go out somewhere today?" mom asked.

I sat up and replied, "Yeah but I came back home early," I checked the time on the little clock by my bedhead, right corner, it was now about 9 o' clock.

"Well there is some pizza left from what I had brought home, do you want some?" mom stated and asked.

"Yeah," I replied getting up quickly to get a taste of pizza hitting my taste buds soon.

"Go and wash your face and come down stairs when you are done."

"Alright," I stated as mom walked out the room closing the door.

I went to the bathroom and washed my face, after which I dried my face with my towel. My mind flashed back to my dream, it seemed so real though.

I went downstairs to get some of that delicious thing they call pizza in my stomach.

I ate two slices of cheese pizza and I drank soda because well that's what I wanted.

When I was finished I went up back to my room, I checked my phone and there were about fifty messages from Antonio, I was like what the heck!! I checked the messages they said:

First message: 'Why did you leave like that?'

Second message: 'I know that you didn't receive any message from your mom.'

Third message: 'I'm sorry, plz reply! I may or may not be getting a bit angry.

Forth message: 'No baby girl I'm not angry with u it's just...'

Fifth message: 'Is it okay for me to call you that?'

Sixth message: 'please reply, please, please!! <3'

-----Several messages later----

Message number fifty: 'Please tell me whether you feel the same way or not? I'm dying to know.'

I messaged him back saying, 'I'll tell you everything tomorrow'

I got back a message from him a few seconds later.

Antonio: 'Alright but I can't wait for tomorrow, can't wait to see u'

Me: 'I'm going to take a shower and then go to bed so bye!! :)'

Antonio: 'Bye, sweet dreams'

When I saw the part about I reflected on the dream I had, I wondered if it actually had any meaning, and to add to it he was also in that dream. Well vampires don't exist so there is no worries there.

I got the charger for my phone and plugged it into socket and placed my phone to charge.

I got undressed and took a shower after which I went to bed, I tried to sleep but I kept thinking about the dream and about how I would tell Antonio about how I feel. I finally fell asleep when I tried to concentrated on school.

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