Chapter Eighteen: Disappearance Part 1: Why?

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~Emma's POV~

Just when I thought that my life was going so well, just when I thought my bad times were gone, came the worst of times. Why did I have to fall in love with someone? Why couldn't I just ignored certain feelings and lived on with life? Then none of this would have not happened in the first place. Why does life have to be a mean B***h? Why? Why? Of all persons, why me? But I guess everything happens for a reason, but still Why? Why? All of those thoughts running through my mind, as the tears just kept flowing. Why did I have to love him so much? Now that he is gone, I miss him so much but what can I do? Nothing! right? All I can do is just let my tears flow, I'll just have to live without him, I'll just have to continue doing everything as per normal before I fell in love with him, except without a best friend either. I sat in the bathtub with the shower on, sitting under it. I sat there with the question of Why?, but what can I do except to just let the tears flow. Suicide, well I tried that before and I am still alive aren't I, but I had promised myself to not let that thought of ever ending my own life cross my mind again don't matter what, so here I am just letting the tears flow not wanting to stop. I guess this is what destiny has in store for me, can't fight it. My life is not over, he was just one guy, right? I will get over him, I'm not a midget so there is nothing that would stop me from getting over him, well except the fact that I loved him so much and still do.

What actually happened was he left without saying a word, no he did not die but it felt so because I had no contact with him. Our last time together was so great; it was our second date. The second date was a picnic in the park. I'd rather remember our good times together than these bad times because they just want to make me cry, and well  of course I can't control my tears so... Anyway, the day after that date, I received a text from some number that I don't know but it said: 'Bye, I will always love you' and that was it, well I thought that it was from Antonio of course, since there is no one else that would do that. I texted him a few times and there were no replies, the Monday at school he was not there, so I decided to call his home phone, then there was no answer, I called his phone a few times too but the operator said that and I quote, 'That number you are trying to call does not exist' which gave me that first feeling that he was gone. Yeah I know there were a few signs before but I did not take them seriously, wish I did though. Most of all I wish I didn't get so attached to him, but of course I did. The number that sent me that message, I tried messaging it back and calling it but there were no replies nor answers to my calls. So I just left that as that and didn't bother to contact the number again, well because I didn't know who it was. 

I told my mother about it, she comforted me and made me felt loved. How could someone that said they loved you so much and yet just leave you like that, it's just...Hmmm.... I know saying something is nothing but showing it is something, and well of course Antonio showed how much he loved me but I can't seem to put my mind to it of why he did what he did.

I'll just have to live on with life, 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger ' one of my favourite lines. This is life and there is nothing that you can do to change what has already happened.

But one question that will forever remain in my head is 'Why?'


Thank you so much for reading this chapter, I'm so sorry for this chapter being so... but I write according to my feelings, so if I feel happy I would write happy things but if I feel sad or depressed about something It's more likely that I would probably write something that is not so happy. Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it was...

Oh sorry about not giving more chapter on her and Antonio but... Anyway he is going to be out of her life for awhile, I should tell you.

Please feel free to comment and tell me what you think and don't forget to vote if you like the chapter!! <3

Well if you don't vote I'll know that I should improve more on my writing.

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