Chapter Nine

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I woke up to the smell of breakfast being made in the kitchen, the sun was already up, it had already crawled into my bedroom shining on my face, I rolled over to check the time, it was already late. I was confused, how could mom be home at this time still, wasn't she supposed to go to work or something. I lazily got up and sat on the bed, I began to get up but I was just too sleepy so I threw myself back on the bed.

 I got up back about half an hour later. I slowly got up and went to take a shower. In the bathroom I kind of tried to sing but I know that I'm not that good of a singer, I knew that no one would hear me from my bathroom so I just sang that way I knew how to. I sang, Human by Christina Perri.

When I got out of the bathroom, I dried my skin and put on my under garments. I searched in the closet for clothes and I pulled out a grey sweat pants and a t-shirt, as I was gonna be home until this afternoon. I got dressed in the clothes and grabbed my phone, and headed downstairs. 

As I entered the kitchen, I was in for a big surprise. Upon entering, I did not see my mother, I saw Antonio. He was dressed in a white vest on the inside with a red checkered shirt unbuttoned, along with a washed out blue jeans. He stood leaning over the counter, looking down.

I cleared my throat to get his attention, but I somehow knew that he was already aware of my presence. He looked up at me.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned Antonio.

"Just making breakfast for my girl," he answered like it was just a normal thing to address me like that.

"Your girl?" I stated puzzled, and looked at him with a weird expression on my face.

"I might still be waiting for your answer but you will always be my girl," Antonio stated, leaning off the counter and walking towards me. 

We stood face to face, Antonio stared at me and I stared back at him, wondering how I should tell him about the way I fell.

"But what if I don't feel the same way?" I asked him.

"I know that you feel the same way," he stated confidently.

"How do you know that?" I was curious.

"Because I know," was the best answer he could give me.

"I'll give you an answer later on."

"Why not now?" he asked.

"Because I'm really hungry and I'm going to get something to eat for breakfast."

Antonio chuckled, shook his head and said, "You're problems," he grabbed me by the hand and carried me to the dinning area. There was a plate with two waffles, syrup on top with strawberries and blueberries to top it off, and to compliment that glass of orange juice. He pulled a chair for me to sit.

"Am... what is all this?"

"As I said before, I made you breakfast," Antonio replied as he forced me to sit in the chair. 

"But why?" I asked.

"We will talk after you finish eating breakfast."

He picked up the knife and fork and cut a piece of the waffle and fed me. After I was finished eating breakfast, Antonio carried the plate and other things used to the sink. I got up and washed my hands.

We sat on the couch in the living room, there was an awkward moment of silence between us. Antonio broke the silence, "I'm still waiting for the answer to my question," he stated.

I pretended not to know what he was talking about, "Uhh... what is that question again?"

Antonio moved in closer towards me and held my hands, looking deep into my eyes saying, "I love you very much and I would like to know if you fell the same way?"

I looked back into his eyes, I started off, "Umm ... uhh... well... um well," and I hugged him and he also hugged me back and I said, "Yes, I feel the same way, yes, I love you too." As I said that he hugged me more tightly, squeezing me, for which lasted for quite a few minutes.

"Let go of me please you're squeezing me," I squeaked and he finally let got of me.

I got up and he also followed suit. Antonio started walking towards me and I walked backwards. I was met with the wall, there was no where else to go. He corner me to the wall braising on me against the wall. We both stared into each others' eyes, he took my hands and placed them around his neck and he had one of his hands around my waist holding my back keeping my body close to his body, with the fingers of his other hand stroking my face gently. Antonio leaned in closer by the second, soon our noses were touching and his lip brushed against mine, that spark ran through my body again. We were really going to kiss but it was too soon for that, I thought. I turned my face and instead of him kissing me on the lips he kissed me on the check. I turned back to see his facial expression, yet once again I saw a red flash in his eyes. I smiled and he chuckled. 

"You like teasing me, don't you?" he asked.

"Maybe …" I trailed off.

"Well two can play at that game," and he began to gently brushed his face against me neck, it gave me a tingling feeling.

"No don't do that," I requested of him.

"Why not?" he questioned.

"No reason," I shrugged, "Just don't do that," I didn't want him to know how much his touch affected me.

Antonio stared into my eyes forcing me to do the same, not really forcing but I found it really hard to look away. "Can be together, like more than friends? Can you be my girlfriend?" he questioned.

"Maybe," I replied.

"Why maybe?"

"Okay, well you and I both feel the same about each other, so I guess my answer is yes," I quietly stated.

"Now that's what I like to hear," Antonio stated as he leaned on off of me, finally letting me move away.

I went to sit on the couch and he sat beside me and threw his arms around my shoulders.

"So do you always dress like this at home?" Antonio questioned and chuckled.

"Yeah coz I'm just at home, nowhere else," I replied.

"Oh um... well I wanna take you out on a date, would you go on a date with me?" he asked playing with my hair which was just in a mess.

"Yeah of course," I stated and I saw happiness in his eyes, well of course he'd be happy, because he just found out that I also felt the same way plus now that we're together, that's just a lot of things there to be happy about. 

"How about tonight, say about around six or so?" he asked.

"Yeah tonight would be fine," I replied.

Antonio kissed me on the forehead and said that he had to go, we hugged said our goodbyes until tonight and he left.

I was all alone in the house by myself, I had nothing really to do so I just decided to watch a comedy movie and then after which plan my outfit for tonight or just do some cray sh#t to kill the time.

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