Chapter Twenty-One: Huh??

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I heard the door opening so I sat up on the couch, it was mom. She was home a bit early though. "Hey, I want to talk to you about something," she said taking a seat next to me. Her tone of voice sounded like it was something really important. "Sure," I replied. 

"Um... you remember the doctor I was dating, right?" she started off and I nodded my head, "Well, he asked me to marry him."

"Huh?? What?!?!" I exclaimed. What?!? they have only been dating for a few months, well actually more then seven months but still. Hope that if her answer was yes, that it was the best decision. "So, what was your answer?" I questioned.

"Well... am... my answer to him was a Yes," mom said looking at me as if she needed my approval. Well, yeah she does need my approval but still she is her own big woman so if she wanted to and I didn't want her to, then there was nothing that I could really do; but if this makes her happy then who am I to stop her from being happy. 

"Well if you are happy then I am happy for you too," I stated. 

I did not mention anything about prom to mom until it was surely confirmed that Jason wasn't making any joke.

Mom talking about her getting married just reminded me more of Antonio, all the times he and I talked about that. I just wanted to forget about all the times we were together, but every little thing just reminds me of something about Antonio. I still had the chain, bracelet and teddy bear he gave me, I wanted to just throw them away but I could not find it in myself to do so; even his sweater that I took for him, I still had that.  I got up and went upstairs to my room after mom and I finished talking, I could not take it, those memories. I changed into comfortable loose clothing and threw myself on the bed to continue wondering, what is Jason's reason behind asking me to be his prom date because I could not find a valid reason; I still did not believe a word he said to me this midday.

*ring ring*

My phone rang and I looked at it, it was a number that I did not know so I did not want to answer it but anyway I did. To my surprise it was Jason, how the heck did he get he get my number. 

"Hey, oh I forgot to ask what colour are you wearing for prom?" Jason asked.

"Huh?? I mean... um... I don't know as yet," I stated. "Oh well when don't forget to tell me when you make up your mind," he said. There was something I forgot to ask and this was the perfect time to ask as I was not talking to him face to face. "Oh, by the way don't you have a girlfriend?" I asked him. To my surprise he did no have a girlfriend because I thought he was dating the head cheerleader, Natalia. Turns out he was not making a joke, he was actually serious; but what is the captain of the football team doing with nerd like me, something was still not right to me. "Something is still not right," I said. 

"What is not right?" Jason asked. "Well..." I began to say as I was interrupted by him.   "Oh, I understand what you are saying, since the first time I saw you in middle school I fell for you," he stated. 

I sat up on the bed really confused, "Huh?? What do you mean?" I asked.   "The first time I saw you I fell for you both metaphorically and literally. When I saw you, I was walking pass you; I fell for you then, the only girl I could think of was of you. As I was walking pass you, mesmerized by you and of course your beauty I did not see where I was going and I walked straight into the wall and fell to the ground," With all that he finally stopped talking, I guess he said something he was not supposed to say.

I did not want to make him feel bad but I just had to laugh. I burst into laughter, "What are you laughing at?" he asked in an angry tone of voice. "Because that cannot be true," I stated, but the reason was the thought of him even doing what he said and walking straight into the wall.

"It is the truth, I really do love you," he said. Again, I did not believe a thing he said. "We will continue this conversation tomorrow," I replied. 

Jason gave a loud sigh, "Oh come on, we can speak now," he said, from his tone of voice I could tell that he was becoming frustrated. Not really paying any attention to what he was saying I just tried to cut our conversation again, "Goodbye, see you tomorrow," I said with out waiting for his reply I hung up the phone. 

I had just been through a really tough time after how Antonio just left, so I did not want to get into anything with anyone at that moment. Jason was a good person even though he was the captain of the football team; well I said so because most football captains are players (like to play with people's feelings) but he was different from that.


After dinner, I went straight to bed because I had already taken my bath before dinner. My phone vibrated, so I picked it up. There were so many missed calls from Jason, what does he want? Jeez, can't a girl live in peace. As I was about to put it (the phone) down it rang again, it was Jason once again. I answered it, "What do you want now?" I said ireful, he was becoming to get annoying now, even though he only started to talk about that (prom) today. I am normally easily angrivated and annoyed by people, my temper is very limited.

"You don't have to be so harsh," Jason stated.

"Sorry, it's just..." I began to say as I was interrupted by him, "No problem, now, why did you just hang up the phone on me like that?" he asked.

"Oh, sorry about that," I needed an excuse to cut our conversation short again so I said, "I am really sleepy right now, we will talk tomorrow, bye."

"Alright, we'll talk tomorrow and no excuses then. Buh bye, see you tomorrow, sweet dreams," Jason said, after which I hung up the phone.

I rolled over on the bed, and the huge ass teddy bear which Antonio had given he was still there. I stared at the teddy for quite a few minutes, about twenty minutes or so. I hated being reminded of Antonio, I need to forget him. There is one strange feeling I had always had since Antonio left and that was that I was being watched, that was really weird, odd and creepy. 

I still missed Antonio badly because he was not only my boyfriend but my best friend. I got that huge ass teddy bear and hugged it and slowly fell asleep.


Hope you people are liking this chapter, I know that there is a lot of talking and I apologize for that. Please comment and tell me what you think about the newly added character, Jason.

Please Vote and comment!! <3 love y'all

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