Chapter Thirty-Six:

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I was shaking, really nervous and excited at the same time. I found out that Antonio's mom was taking me to meet some of their family and some really important people. Her name was Emily, and her husband, Antonio's father, was also named Antonio. He got his name from his father, and his father got his name from his father. 

Antonio really wanted to be with us today but he had a meeting with his father, so it is just Emily and I going to visit some of their relatives. To be honest, I was really terrified at the thought of meeting other vampires without Antonio there with me. I wanted him there as protection just in case I accidentally cut myself or something resulting in one of them wanting to suck my blood out. I know that I am just over exaggerating but seriously I really am a bit scared.

Antonio made me wear a long dress reaching to my ankle and a hoodie. My hair was all tied up with a beanie on top of my head. I must be looking really ridiculous, when I questioned him why I had to wear these clothing all he said was that he had his reasons. Yeah, yeah, why can't he just tell me. Another thing, he said that he would not let me go unless I wore these clothing. So I am stuck in these  'granny' clothing.

We were almost there, the fear crept back in. I was now worried about what would these people think about me.

As if sensing my fear, Antonio's mother, Emily took my hand in hers. "I will not let any harm come to you, I promise that and you do not have to worry about what they will think about you, they will like you, I know that for a fact," she said calming down my nerves.

"But I cannot help it, this is just me. I worry about everything," I blurted out then soon realizing that I had just spoke my thoughts out loud.

"Well, whether they like you or not, they will have to accept you," she stated. I want them to accept me because they like me not just because they feel obligated to.

"But why?" I questioned.

"Because —–," she stopped abruptly.

"Because?" I repeated her word in a question form.

"Nothing, I should have not said anything, she stated.
I decided not to push the subject anymore.


"We are here," Emily stated before getting out at her side. I got out too and stood next to her. I looked at the building we were standing in front of. It was a blue building with some signs on it but I could not understand it because it was in another language.

She walked off without warning and I followed after I realized she was walking. She had been awfully quiet since we had that little talk earlier. It seems as if she mentioned something she should have not, around me. We walked through the doors of the building, everyone bowed their head at our arrival or should I say, Emily's arrival. I guess it was because she was royalty. She nodded in acknowledgement. She made her way to a small group of women.

"Good morning, your Majesties," they greeted as we approached. What?!? Majesties?? I thought that only one of us here was royalty.  Oh well, I am just going to ignore that statement.

"Good morning," Emily and I greeted back the women.

"Girls, this is Emma, Antonio's mate; Emma this is Antonio's sister, my daughter, Annah," she pointed to an emerald eyes, brunette girl, who looked a smaller than me, "Antonio's aunts - Gabrielle, Gwen and Genna," she pointed at the other three older folks; however they did not look old at all. Even Emily did not look old, I guess that is a vampire thing.

We had a good chat, I interacted with them all, actually it seemed as if they liked me so my thought is that they like. None of them mentioned anything about me being a human or made me feel offended. All too soon we had to get back to the castle, I did not even notice that so much time has passed.

Emily and I were back at the castle in no time. We both entered at the same time to be greeted by Antonio and his father.

Antonio pulled me into a hug immediately after he spot me. I hesitantly hugged him back because I had only been gone for a couple of hours and he is acting like it had been days or weeks. He pulled away a bit, enough to lightly peck my lips, "How was it? Are you okay?" He started with questions.

"I am alrig—" I began but only to be interrupted by Emily, "I am fine also and it went well, thanks for asking," she shouted.

Antonio and I pulled away from the hug. Antonio pulled me to his side with his arm around my waist. He chuckled.

"It seems as if you have forgotten your mother since you found your mate," Emily stated. Antonio pulled on a straight face and I let a small giggle escape from my mouth.

"Well..." Antonio began but trailed off to nothing.

"I can understand, now I hope you made some snacks because she hardly ate anything," she stated.


After a long day, I got into the shower. The warm water flowed down my back relaxing my body.

"Do you want me to join you in there?" Antonio asked from outside.

"Nah, maybe some other time, plus you already took your shower," I stated. As tempting as that sounds, I will have to pass because Antonio and I have not... you know, so he nor I have seen each other nude.

"I will hold you to that, and I would not mind showering again, once it is with you," he replied. A smile made it's across my face.

I finished up showering and put on my undergarments along with my sleeping clothes.

After I stepped out of the bathroom. I saw Antonio lying on the bed. I sat on the side of the bed and poked his nose. Before I knew it Antonio was hovering over me with a huge grin on his face, putting all this weight in this hands. Without a word he leaned down and kissed me, sending sparks all over my body and it was as if fireworks went off. It took me a second to respond. The kiss was slow and soft but it was passionate and full of need. The kiss became heated when Antonio began to explore all regions of my mouth, my fingers got lost in his hair.

I pulled away to catch my breathe.

** a/n: they did not anything, they just kissed nothing else**

I lie in Antonio's arms, "I love you, Emma," he softly whispers into my ear.

"I love you too," I managed before I drifted into a peaceful sleep.

Thank you for reading!!
I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.
Oh, clarification, they did not do anything they just kissed nothing else.

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