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*Two years later*

"Honey, where is my signature blood red tie?" Antonio asked from our walk in closet, "I can't find it."

"Check properly," he always asks me where his ties are, like how am I supposed to know? I don't wear them.

"Never mind, found it."

Sometimes I wonder if he actually even looks for it before asking me.

He doesn't just snoop around in mind anymore, he has to have permission first. We had a mutual understanding that if he was allowed to snoop around in my mind then I was allowed to do the same, so we came to the conclusion of asking permission first.

Being the rulers of this wonderful land now, we moved into a larger room, and when I say large I mean LARGE. We haven't had any little ones yet. We are mostly busy with other duties that we promised to fulfil when we took over. I am slowly easing into this whole Queen thing. There are many functions and meetings that I attend every day.

Well, as a vampire I thought that we would have moved around during the night but Antonio says that when I get the hang of how things work, then that will happen. I think he said that because I still sometimes refuse to drink blood. I mean, comes on, drinking human blood when I too was once one. Even though he assured me that the blood came from a healthy living person. I don't get why Royals had to drink human blood. Why couldn't we just drink animal blood? At first I thought it was animal blood, well actually Antonio told me it was animal blood because he knew that I didn't want to drink human blood, but soon after I found out the truth.

It was our second anniversary, there was a ball thrown in our honour to celebrate our two years of marriage, and I was also expected to catch up on the night life, so we would most likely be resting during the day and working during the night.

I was dressed in an elegant modern Victorian dress, which of course was blood red. My gown matched Antonio's choice of suit, well the colour of his tie. He found interest in the colour blood red, and I still haven't found out the reason.

I stepped out of the bathroom, I have some wonderful news for him. Well, I think it's wonderful. I found out a couple mornings ago that I was pregnant. Antonio and I have been talking about having children for a really long time.

I was going to tell him, but decided against it. Maybe later in the evening I'll tell him.

I guess Antonio was waiting for me to come out since he was right there as I closed the bathroom door.

I looked at him from head to toe, checking out my husband a little but. I frowned, he did not tie his tie properly, again. He never ties his tie properly.

I shook my head, I think he does that on purpose. I began loosening his tie to retie it, but it seems Antonio had other ideas in that brain of his. Wrapping his hands around my waist as I tied his tie, he pulled my body against his, up to now I still can't get the fact through of my head of how our bodies moulded perfectly together. I guess that's because we were made specifically for each other.

Our lips connected and worked perfect sync. My hands made their way around his neck, deepening the kiss. What started as a soft loving kiss turned into a passionate and demanding one.

I pulled back, "We should leave now before we get late."

"I quite like our current position," Ant smirked.

"Ant," I warned.

"Em," he mocked.

"We need to get going," knowing him, I know for a fact that he is not going to let me go without an argument.

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