Under the Stars

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Even in a sky full of thousands of stars I can see Eris. It shines brighter than the North Star. You can only see it one day every six months when the barriers come down for fireworks in honour of my sister's birthday or for the realm's anniversary. I wonder how Tess is coming along. Has she come up with a plan to save Earth? On that note, why is she even interested in Earth? It's never concerned her before and she has always seen it as beneath her. Perhaps she's changed?

"What are you thinking about?"

"Home, amongst other things" I reply.

"Where is home?" she asks settling her head in the crook of my arm.

"Far, far away" I sigh and twirl my fingers around one of her blonde curls.

"Do you miss it?" Stephanie asks.

"Sometimes, but I'm happy where I am. Exactly, where I am"

She chuckles and shifts her head to look directly into my eyes. The desire to fix my lips to hers is overwhelming. I start lowering my head but she presses her fingers against my mouth. "Aether, don't you think we're going a bit fast?"

"Perhaps, but after everything I've been through in my life so far, I've learned to take opportunities as they come. And not to take things slow"

Stephanie murmurs a reply and curls deeper into my side. I glance back up into the sky at the place I once called home. It seems so tiny from here, a small insignificant dot completely meaningless to the humans.

Her breathing slows and soon she's asleep in my arms. I pick her up gingerly and carry her inside. A warm feeling spreads through my chest and for the first time in a long time, I'm happy. I smile to myself and lay Stephanie on her bed. Pulling the comforter up to her chin, I kiss her forehead and leave a note explaining my absence.

My eyes turn a terrible shade of red in her mirror. The surge of energy and darkness bubbles and heats through my veins. I vault through an open window and plunge into the night.

The solid frame that hinders me through the day dissolves and I'm, I'm free.

I'm everything and nothing.
I'm darkness.
I'm power.
I'm infinite.
I'm the Aether.

I let out a laugh.

The land gives way to ocean beneath me and I'm soaring across the waves. The spray goes right through me. I laugh again.

Eris shines brightly in the sky guiding me to my sister.

Raven. No, Raventium.
How could I have forgotten this feeling?
Do you miss this?

My mind strays to my power source. Somewhere out in the universe, beckoning, calling. The thought leaves me feeling empty inside. I miss it, more than anything.

A voice reaches across the miles to whisper and circle around my mind.
I miss it too.


I touch down in a quiet suburban area letting my form solidify. I can see everything in perfect detail in the darkness. My shoes hit the pavement of the empty street. I shiver. The houses are all dark, the shades pulled close, the shutters drawn.

Somewhere out there, Raventium is waiting for me.

The sun is just breaking over the rooftops as I turn the corner. I stop.

In the middle of the street, a woman stands resolute. The light shines upon her copper hair. A dress of green silk floats gently on the breeze. In her right hand, she holds a dagger. The grin that plays upon her lips is malicious.

"Who are you?" I shout, my hand curving to tear a weapon from my shadow.

"Aether, I presume?" She purrs. The blow hits the back of my head bringing me to my knees. Damn me and my recklessness. I roll out of the way as a fist smashes into the road where once I stood. The fire giant springs after me shooting flames from his body.

I conjure the blade into my hand made of pure darkness. It slices through the monster's arm cutting through with little resistance. He bellows, a sound that pierces my eardrums. He falls back and another takes his place.

They spring out from deep fissures within the earth. They form a ring around me. I turn and twist as they attack in unison. I hold them off but I feel my body weaken.


A jet of flame burns through the fabric over my left hand. I miss my target. An arm slams into my side. Their eyes burn. My vision swims. The air is driven from my chest. I thud onto the road. The stone scrapes my cheek.

"Well done gentleman, King Loki will be so pleased"

The last thing I see is the stars slowly being overtaken by the sun as the woman drives her heel into my temple. Raventium...

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