He knows...

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Throughout my life I've fought in almost every war there has ever been, several of them against Muspelheim. The fire giants have always been skillful and worthy opponents with their fire encased bodies and incredible speed, but they've become sloppy. They jump us in an intersection of four roads, a fairly large area. Thor and I dispatch them quickly leaving none alive. Fire giants would never make such a mistake as to ambush someone in an open area. They'd be better to attack us if we were walking through an alley. They could block off both exits and advance. We would have a smaller area to move around in and Thor wouldn't have a big enough area to summon his lightning. It would have been the perfect ambush, yet they never thought of it.

We walk in silence, Jane and Thor leading the way and me following. I pass the time by humming Viva la Vida. I wonder where Loki is right now, probably getting an army together. Oh joy.

How is he even on Midgard? After what happened in New York, Thor would have most definitely taken him back to Asgard to be imprisoned. Unless they let him go, but that's ridiculous. Odin would never do that. Unless he got away during the time when Malekith possessed the Aether. That doesn't seem right either.

I glance over at Thor, maybe he has the answers.

"But breaking into someone's mind is wrong" a little voice in my head says. Oh, screw it!

I delve deep into Thor's mind, turning over his thoughts like pages in a book. I look deeper and deeper until I find his memories of Loki, buried under thousands of thoughts of Jane. I flip through watching his childhood unfold. Thor always the centre of attention, the strongest of the two brothers, leader of his group of friends. Loki stays in the background of his childhood mostly reading and learning sorcery. The memories skip by faster as I watch Thor's banishment, his first fight with Loki, Loki's fall off the Bifrost. Time goes forward into the battle of New York. Thor tries to persuade Loki multiple times to give up on his plans but he refuses, he even stabs Thor (how could he not see that coming?). The battle ends and Thor takes Loki back to Asgard along with the Tesseract. Loki is imprisoned and sentenced to eternity in the dungeons. Thor takes Jane to Asgard after the Aether takes over her body. I watch with a heavy heart as he comes to late to save his mother, Frigga. Thor visits Loki and asks for his help, they escape along with Jane and Loki takes them through a secret passageway to the dark world, Svartalfheim. Malekith takes the Aether from Jane and leaves in his ship. Loki and Thor are left to kill Kurse and the dark elves. Thor gets his ass kicked by Kurse, Loki saves him but gets stabbed through the chest and... dies in Thor's arms. I withdraw from his mind.

"Son, of a bitch!" I swear under my breath. So Loki faked his death. Again. After he got back to Asgard, he probably seized the throne. Easy for a master of illusion, he's probably concealed by an image of Odin. But, what happened to the real Odin?

"We're here!" Jane calls. We stop in front of a row of two-story houses, all mostly looking the same. Jane walks toward the third house and knocks on the door. It swings in revealing a girl a few years younger than my human age.

"Jane!" She exclaims, "Where have you been?! Have you even seen the news?!"

"I think we just went through the news" I interject. The girl takes one look at me and the weapon in my hand. Her eyes widen a bit. She hisses something to Jane along the lines of "who the hell is she"

"Darcy, this is Raven" Jane explains. Darcy regards me with a weary look. "She's helping us"

"Ooookaaaaayyyy" Darcy says and disappears into the house. I follow Jane and Thor inside and close the door. Thor's hammer hangs from a peg on the wall, I'm surprised it can hold that much weight. I rub my thumb along the smooth surface of my sword and it shrinks into a small cylinder I pocket.

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