The First Meeting

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I walk silently down the dark street checking alleyways as I go. I can handle myself if someone tries to mug me but it doesn't hurt to be careful. Only the occasional person walks past, there aren't too many people up at 3 in the morning. I quicken my pace and cross the street onto a more lit up area. Small shops closed for the night dot the street and the signs of 24 hour cafes glow in the distance.

A light green cafe catches my eye. Big windows accompany the green door on each side and a hanging white sign with peeling gold letters reads: Cloverleaf Cafe. Just the place I'm looking for. My black lace up boots click on the cobble stones leading to the cafe and I start to push on the door.

I hear soft footsteps behind me and I turn around. There is a vague silhouette of a person in the alley across the street. I place my hand above my pocket where my weapon is and walk toward the figure. The alley appears to be empty, I wonder where the person went. I turn around to go back and feel a slight tug in the back of my mind. Someone is definitely in the alley.

I peer into the darkness and feel a presence. I look towards the back of the alley where the presence seems to come from. I hesitantly walk forward with my hand tight around the cylinder in my pocket. I stop a couple feet away from the hidden person, if it comes to a fight I will have more room to move around.

The illusion fades in a glow of green light revealing a man several inches taller than my 5'10" height. He has pale skin, shoulder length jet black hair slicked back and piercing green eyes that seem to laugh at me. He wears a combination of green, black and gold leather and armour. An Asgardian. "You saw through my illusion" he says in a velvety voice, "You're quite perceptive, for a mortal" He says mortal as if the very word disgusts him.

I invade his mind and try to get through without him noticing. I find a single name before a barrier in his mind comes up. I grin up at him and say, "What makes you think I'm a mortal, Loki" Amazement and confusion flashes across his face.

"How di-", he starts.

"Raven!" I spin around and see my brother waving at me from the front of the cafe. I run across the street and he embraces me. His dark, brown hair full of red streaks tickles my face and smelles of peppermint and a touch of AXE. Aether pulls away and says with a puzzled expression on his face, "What were you doing over there?"

"Um, uh. Aether, I was" I look across to the dark alley but it's empty. Loki is gone. Sneaky devil. I put on my best poker face and lie through my teeth. "Nothing, I was doing absolutely nothing"

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