Loki's A Little Frustrated

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I let the illusion fall from my body in a burst of green light and run after the mortal girl. If she finds Thor and tells him about me than all my plans are ruined!

But...how is it she knew my name?! Has she seen me before?

It's strange, for it being so warm she was wearing gloves. Is she hiding something? Or is this mortal not all she appears to be?

Agh, I shake my head. This isn't the time to be thinking about such things. Ragnarök is going to happen and no one is getting in the way of it.

The street turns left, then right and...dead ends!!! I turn around in circles looking for the girl. She isn't there!

I let out a scream of frustration.

Thor must not know I faked my death. And he can't be able to get back to Asgard. I'll have to find a way to close the Bifrost.

I turn back the way I came, that girl has to be stopped!

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