Shopping Gone Wrong

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"What's this contraption Jane?"

I look up from my grocery list to see Thor holding up an egg beater. I smile and hold back a laugh. It's almost cute the way he looks at it with a puzzled expression.

"It's for beating eggs" I reply. He still regards it with a wary expression and places it back on a shelf. I glance at the rows and rows of soup and decide on chicken noodle. I reach for the can and feel a slight shudder under my feet.

A small crack spreads out from under my rain boot and travels down the aisle growing wider. Part of the tile floor rises up ever so slowing and crumbles away revealing a dark, gaping hole. I walk slowly towards it and peer down. Several feet beneath me, fire roars in the deep. Fiery humanlike figures climb up, their molten fingers charring the foundation.

I scramble backwards and feel Thor's arms tighten around me. He swings his hammer, Mjölnir by the leather handle and we fly through the roof of the store. The winds whips through my hair and I feel my stomach flutter.

We land softly a ways down the street. "Are you alright?" Thor asks gazing down into my eyes. I nod.

"What were th-" I don't get to finish my question as the store we were in less than a minute ago, explodes.



Adrenaline pumps through my veins and an enormous surge of energy cascades through my body. I almost embrace the power but stop myself, I may not be able to control my power. Now that's a scary thought. I shudder at the idea of not be able to be in control. If I lost control now, it could be the end of Earth, even all the nine realms.

I stop and rummage through the contents of my backpack. I shove aside books, my iPad and find, my mask; forged with black iridium, the perfect stabilizer for my powers and shaped to fit the top half of my face.

I carefully extract the contacts from my eyes and just throw them away, I can get new ones later. I place the mask on my face and feel the power inside me slow to a light hum.


The ground under my feet shifts and I stumble, banging into a lamp post. I hold on as tongues of flame leap off the shattered street and asphalt sinks into the ground. I let go of the lamp post and sprint off down the street brandishing my weapon.

Loud footsteps echo from behind getting closer and closer. I glance backwards, all I see are fire giants...

I run like the wind. Pedestrians shriek in horror, cars smash into each other and everyone rushes to get inside any building they can.

Thunder booms through the sky and lightning cuts jagged lines through the sky.

Sounds like Thor has finally joined the fight. Go figure.



"Stay here!" Thor shouts as he pushes me into a crumbling store. His hammer shoots sparks and he runs into the street. I inch backward and press myself into a corner. One of the walls has a window with panes of broken glass. I peer out and watch the fiery things contort into inhumanly shapes and grotesque figures.

Fear consumes me as I watch innocent people being struck down. I feel so helpless, there's none of my equipment here to help, but maybe there's a weapon.

Bits of broken glass litter the floor along with pieces of furniture. My eyes land on a chair leg and I quickly seize it. A bit heavy but doable as a club.

I step out precariously into the street and swing at the first moving flame.

The club makes a satisfying sound as it strikes home. The fire being topples over sending flaming sparks onto the club. I shriek in panic as it falls to the ground and catches fire.

Their burning eyes all focus on me. "Oh my god" I whisper, I'm defenceless. They move forward as hunters with me, their target.

"Thor!" I scream up at the sky. Please come, please come.

A hand clamps onto my arm and I stifle a scream.

A girl of about my age clad in black clothing and a black mask belongs to the hand. Her brown hair is twisted behind her head and she carries a golden sword with two blades, similar to the one Sif had in Asgard.

"Jane Foster" she says, her hazel eyes locking onto mine,


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