Fiery Allies

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My sceptre blasts through a group of fire giants but as one falls, two more take its place. One comes from behind me and a jet of flame burns through the fabric of my left sleeve. I grit my teeth against the pain and smell the burning of flesh. I send a beam of light through the fire giant which kills several other giants. I raise my sceptre to kill another when a deep voice rumbles, "Stop"

The fire giants move away from me and stand in an unyielding circle. I watch as a more humanlike fire giant breaks from the circle. His soulless black eyes sweep around the circle landing on me. A wreath of golden flames shine from the top of his head resembling a crown. This must be the king of Muspelheim, Surtur.

"You are very far from your realm, Asgardian" he says.

"So are you, just to wreck havoc on Midgard. That's a terrible reason for such a long trip" I tease.

"I am here to make sure Midgard is mine when Ragnarök ends. You are a fool if you haven't seen the signs of Ragnarök" I brush off his insult.

"We'll then we both have a common goal: that Ragnarök happens. I propose an alliance"

"What could you possibly give me that I don't already have?" He sneers.

"Much, I rule over Asgard in the guise of Odin and have the Tesseract's power at my fingertips. Believe me, I have much to offer", I say.

His face lights up (is that even possible?) and a small smile crosses his face.

"Allies?" I challenge.

"Allies" Surtur rumbles.

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