Date? Part One

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Lines and notations criss cross over the battle plan. Tesseractia's undecipherable handwriting leaves a blur of blue ink across the map of the Nine Realms.

We've been at this for hours, trying to figure out a plan in which to stop Ragnarök.

Which seems unstoppable!

I look again over the shitty excuse for a battle plan and run my hands through my hair in frustration. The only thing that's worked so far is sending Raven to find Thor. And there's even a slim chance that will work.

I sigh and place my head in my hands. I'm not fit to make battle plans, that's Raven's expertise. Me, I'm good for nothing except sucking the life out of people, and that sometimes backfires.

"It's alright Aether, we'll figure this out somehow" Tess says as she places a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"I can't do this, Tess. I'm not Raven" I say glancing up. Her mystic blue eyes swirl in their sockets like a bouncing ball being hit countless times yet, they seem wise in some creepy way. Even with power rushing through her from her energy source being so close, Tess is as reserved as ever.

"No one is Raven except Raven herself and even then no one can tell what she's really like. So don't compare yourself to her Aether. You may have faults but she has more then you and I combined and! No matter what Raven can do, you're worth ten of her" she says but in a sort of monotone.

"That didn't help as much as I wished it had" I reply. Tess gives a slight shrug and turns back to the plan. I knows she's trying to help but she's changed from the Tesseractia I used to know. I think ruling Eris alone is really getting to her these days especially since I'm not the greatest help in the ruling Eris department... Oh well.

I stare at the plan and watch Tess make some of her unreadable notes in a corner. I honestly have no idea who's job is harder, mine or Raven's.

I need a break from this.

I get off my wooden stool and walk to the window.

The Asgardian palace shimmers in the sun. I wonder what it would be like to live here. Sure Eris is alright but it's just not Asgard. Hell, it doesn't even look at all like it with its white buildings, silver water and sullen people. But the sky quickly darkens and forks of lightning hit the sky, a storm's coming.

I feel a slight vibration through my pants and reach into my pocket for my iPhone. Sexy and I know it blares from the tiny device. I feel my cheeks turning red and see if Tesseractia noticed, her eyes stay trained on the plan. I swipe the screen and answer tentatively, "Hello?"

"Hi, is this Aether?"

"Yes, I'm Aether. Who is this?"

"Oh, my name's Stephanie, I was your waitress in the Cloverleaf Cafe-"

I remember her. She was the girl vying for my attention. But how did she even get my number? I think for a moment and it comes to me. Raven! She must have given her the number when we said goodbye, euhh. Traitor...

"-and I was wondering if you would like to come to the cafe and have a cup of coffee?" She finishes in a bright, perky voice.

I want a break not a date!! Especially with a girl who's so bubbly and probably just wants to climb into bed with me.

What was Raven even thinking when she gave her my phone number? I'll just break it to this girl quickly and flat out say, I'm not interested.

"Listen, I w-"

"Great! I'll see you in ten!"

She hangs up.

Wow. That didn't turn out how I thought it would.

"You're going, I presume" Tesseractia says. I look over and see a smirk plastered on her face. Curse my sisters and their abilities to read minds.

"Absolutely not" I reply.

"Yes, you are"

"No, I'm not"

"Yes, no arguing" she says with an even bigger smile.

The room blurs and turns blue at the edges. "Tess!" I cry in outrage as she teleports me away.

"Bye Aether"


I teleport right in front of the door to the cafe and stumble forwards hitting my nose on the wood. "Ahhhh..." I put a hand out to steady myself and someone opens the door.


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