The Enchantress

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"What in Hel are you doing?!"

Amora. Miss Enchantress herself.

Her painfully bright blonde hair is held up in an ornate crown littered with chunks of uncut emerald and a gown of glowing green silk wraps around her figure. She stole my title and even went so far as to steal my signature colour. Enough is enough.

"It's called singing, Bitchsnipe. Not that you know how" I sneer. The barest trace of anger flashes in her cerulean eyes but a smile crosses her paper thin lips and a bemused expression.

"You honestly don't know, do you? Interesting" She draws the word "Interesting" out into one annoying syllable taunting me.

I get to my feet and face her. "What don't I known?"

"Oh Lorelei, how could you not know?" She says in a sickening sweet voice, "You're going on trial"

"What?" That I didn't expect. Why would I be going on trial? I'm already in a cell and I have 400 years left. Odin's beard!!

Amora must see the panic on my face because she puts on one of her ugly, face-contorting grins. Honestly, hasn't anyone told her how stupid she looks? "The King's advisors, mostly myself to be exact, have been thinking of an extension to your sentence. Some are in favour of an addition of a hundred years to a thousand. Me, I'm trying for an eternity. But we won't know until we go to the trial"

She waves her hand and the golden barrier disappears. Freedom in sight. "Don't be getting any ideas Lorelei. You can't slip past me, especially with this on" In her hand she triumphantly holds up a silencing collar, the same one Sif used on me in Midgard. She tosses it to me and I catch it easily. "Now, put it on. I don't have all day" she says flippantly.

She doesn't even register my attack. I strike out with the silencing collar slamming it into the side of her head. Blood sprays from her hairline and she drops like a rag doll to the floor. The collar clangs against the floor, ringing across the foyer. I cringe at the sound and take off running.

My bare feet slap against the stone, cool to the touch. I run headlong into a group of gold armoured guards, disturbing their break time. Their shouts echo behind me and I pump my arms faster gaining some momentum.

The halls blur together at the corners of my eyes. They branch off in three and I take a sharp right. The guards' voices are mute as I head farther down the hallway, they must have taken a different path. But before long they'll come this way, I need a weapon!

The floor slopes gradually downward and intricate geometric designs cover the walls. The torches on the walls cast funny shadows on the walls. Goosebumps break out across my arms and a slight shiver quivers down my spine. The air gets colder and my breath comes out in a stream of fog. I run my hands tiredly over my arms bringing little heat to the skin. My foot pads down on something sharp and I jump backwards.

Shards of glowing ice litter the floor in all directions. Several fall through the air, I look up. Thick, shining icicles hang from the arched ceiling giving off a bluish hue of light.

Where am I?

I tread carefully over the sharp points until a door blocks my way. Large, black, and forged by Asgard's best blacksmiths: the Entrance to the Vault. I remember it from my studies as a child. Made to keep anyone out.

Dents and cracks ruin the once polished iron. I place my palm against it and push. Instead of it staying put, it swings open with a woeful creak! and falls off its hinges. I stifle a gasp.

The burned carcasses of fallen guards lay stacked in a neat pile. I keep my distance from it and look for something to use as a weapon, there must be one here.

Indentations in the walls hold scraps of rusty metals and a couple of halfheartedly glowing stones. Nothing fit to use as a weapon. I continue every so often to examine something until a certain glowing casket catches my eye. The swirling blue contents captivate me. "The Casket of Ancient Winters" I murmur running my finger along the freezing surface. This must be where all the ice is coming from. But not a fit weapon.

I tear my gaze from it and see a golden gauntlet a few feet away. The gauntlet is easily four times the size of my hand. Six different shaped holes lay empty in the centre of it. I shake my head, another useless relic.

I sigh in despair but stop as a twinkle from behind the gauntlet. I reach over it and pull out a dagger. Finally! A weapon I can use!

The handle fits perfectly in my hand adorned with jade and the blade is engraved with mother-of-pearl. It doesn't look dangerous, how did it end up here?

A sharp crack and a string of profanities send me into stealth mode. I run across the floor quietly and duck behind a pillar. Amora, in all her glory, struts through the room. A flurry of white snowflakes churn around in a frenzy reflecting her mood. Dried blood stains her hair. I grip my dagger tighter waiting for the right moment.

"Lorelei, Lorelei" she chants, "Won't you come out" Is she honestly trying to mind control me! Why that b-! Wait, this could act in my favour. I try to put on a blank face and step out from behind the pillar. I walk over to her with slow steps careful to hide the dagger in the folds of my dress.

She smiles with self praise and beckons me nearer. "Now Lorelei" she cues, placing her hand on my shoulder. "You are never to run away again. Okay?"

I nod obediently and she pulls me closer. Perfect. I position my hand and a savage smile twists my features. "Rule number 1 of mind control" I say watching her face contort in terror, "Make sure the person is actually in your control" I slice up with the dagger and drive it straight into her stomach.

A strangled cry escapes her lips and I twist the blade farther in. Her eyes widen and glow a radiant blue. My dagger glows the same and a tingling sensation spreads through my arm. Snowflakes and icy bits swirl around us. Power floods from Amora into me through the dagger. Power over ice and snow, all Amora's power.

Her face goes slack and her body drops. I pull the dagger out and her body thuds to the floor. Blood runs down my hand and crystallizes. A dark chuckle comes from behind me. Loki stands tall and menacing.

I look into his brilliant emerald eyes and raise my dagger,

"I'm Enchantress now!"

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