Erasing a Memory

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I feel bad for what I'm about to do but some things are unavoidable. Eric knows my secret, a secret I've kept for almost 30 trillion years.

He would understand right? Knowing such a secret puts everyone here in danger. If Thanos were to find out my contact with them, he would- how can I even think such things! I'm doing the right thing, not only for myself but for a person I call friend.

Is a bad deed justifiable if it's for a good reason?

My boots give off almost no sound as they hit the floorboards. I shuffle left to avoid a dip in the wood but a soft creak issues from it anyway. I freeze.

Eric lifts his head and starts to turn. I lunge forward and clap my golden hands over his eyes. "Stay calm" I command as my power overwhelms his mind. It takes less than a second for him to be totally under my control.

My power sparks across my fingertips, against his eye lids. It feels strange not having the familiar weight of my gloves dulling my power. Gloves that usually hide my glowing hands and forearms.

"I want you to forget. I want you to forget ever finding out my real name, I want you to forget the Infinity Stones" His mind is a complex puzzle of equation; every new algorithm is another string of memories. I shove through them looking for the right memory. They glide by so quickly until only one is left. The numbers glow golden; this is the right one.

It's easy to solve and the memories flick by like a movie. I leave the memories of the Tesseract and the Aether but discard the connection between them along with his recent findings about me. I envision a trash can and toss the memories inside. The lid crashes closed and disappears. Those memories are gone.

I lift my hands from his face and let his mind fall back slowly into his own control. I hastily run to the wall and rip every shred of paper from it that in any way mentions an Infinity Stone. I stuff the papers into my pants pockets, I'll discard them later.

Eric starts to blink furiously and I know my time is up. I grab my gloves off the back of a chair and make a beeline for the front door. Jane must be getting impatient by my tardiness, I am after all suppose to be teaching her.

I take one last look back. Eric isn't any different. He's stuck in his own world, oblivious to what danger could have happened. He's happy, it's better him not knowing.

I made the right choice.

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