Brotherly Troubles

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The door is open and Mjolnir is gone. I grab my coat and run outside into a down pour. Water pelts down from the sky making cracking noises as it hits the ground. I pull my hood over my head and step into the rain.

I'm soaked through instantly, the water even settling into my rain boots. I tread carefully down the steps my hand clasped around the railing. The rain hits me full force as I head down the driveway. I hunker down, head bent and hands shoved in reasonably cold pockets.

Why couldn't Thor have run away inside the house or on a day that was sunny? Although with all this freak weather a sunny day is hard to come by. Ragnarök is pushing everything and everyone to their limits. The weather, the fire giants, our impending doom and Raven. How did she know that Loki was still alive? Could she possibly be helping him? It's not like we know much about her, the only person she really spoke to was Eric. If she is helping Loki, then his sights may be on Eric again and he sent Raven to get him. They're the only ones in the house right now!

I turn around and can barely make out the house. Maybe I should go back, but Raven's been helping us this whole time! She's saved my life on multiple occasions, she can't be working for Loki and Thor needs me. He's out here somewhere, cold and angry. I have to stop him before he does something rash, he isn't exactly known for being cautious.

I run down the sidewalk and scream his name, "Thor!" No answer. I crisscross across the street yelling his name every couple of houses. I finally catch sight of a heavy footprint pressed deep into a lawn. I follow a trail of footprints until they end at a very large and old oak tree. A pile of muscle and silver armour sits under the tree. I smile and call his name but he doesn't look up. Frowning, I walk up to him and kneel on the muddy ground.

"Thor" I whisper softly. Mjolnir lies beside him driping with rain. He looks up. His blue eyes are filled with sorrow and a hidden anger. I place my hand on his cheek and press a kiss to his forehead. "It'll be alright Thor" I say, "We'll figure everything out"

"How, Jane? I finally get over his death just to learn I've been mourning a person who was never dead to begin with. How can everything be, alright?"

I wrap my arms around him and settle my head on his shoulder. "Thor, I know of what grief and hardship Loki has placed on you the last three years but you can't dwell in the past anymore. What is to come is so much bigger than us and we have to be ready" I lift my hand and stroke his cheek looking into his eyes. "This may be the end of the world but our future still lays intact. Together, we can get through this and right now" I say standing up, "I need you, my hero"

I hold out my hand and a tear runs from his eye, or is that just a rain drop? He smiles sadly and takes my hand. His big fingers encase mine warming the little appendages. He pulls me into a tight hug my feet hovering slightly above the ground. "I love you" he whispers into my hair.

"I love you too"


With mud splattered knees and soaked through clothes they embraced under the tree. Their love never faltered through obstacles but grew between every passing moment. Ragnarök was forgotten, Loki was forgotten, in that moment all they thought of, was each other. Yet love wouldn't hinder Ragnarök, for the rain started to burn and the power of the Tesseract lit up the sky.

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