A Deal

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A great force shall break upon the ground and Yggdrasil will be awakened
Thee creatures of night shall plague thee earth and only thee worthy may lead them
Thee Serpent shall break free and swallow thee golden sun
And thee world shall fall in fire and darkness

I tap my pen against the paper as Thor storms out of the room. I'm surprised he didn't just explode. I wouldn't blame him considering all the heartache Loki has caused him. Maybe I was a bit too forward, but who wants everything sugar coated? Sometimes you just have to blurt stuff out and see what the hell happens. (Not always the best thing to do)

Jane says, "I'll be right back" and runs after Thor. I doubt she'll keep up with him.

"Is it true?" Eric asks. He clenches one of hands but panic radiates from his features, "Loki's alive?"

"I'm afraid so, and, he's here" I admit.

"What?!" He snaps. His hands twitch and shake and his body starts to convulse. I jump up and grab his hand.

Darcy and Ian are still in the room. "You two" I say addressing them, "Go to the nearest library and find out everything you can on Ragnarök" They seem sceptical to leave me with Eric. "We'll be fine" I reassure.

They stand up and leave the room but their voices still travel down the hall. "Great, leave the crazy one with a strange girl, that always works"

"Darcy, Eric can fend for himself"

"Really Intern? Is that why he still doesn't wear pants"

"It helps him think"

"Uh, huh"

I turn back to Eric and squeeze his hand. "Are they usually like that?"

"Ian, yes, but Darcy is usually more upbeat. She was scared all night considering last time Jane disappeared the Convergence occurred. She cares a lot about her"

"And not very taken to a stranger in the house"

"She might feel threatened. I mean, Ian is her boyfriend and she would hate to lose him. I guess she's afraid that you might take him away from her"

"That's absurd, I would never do that to anyone plus I honestly have no interest in a relationship"


"My last marriages haven't exactly worked out" Actually all my marriages haven't worked out, all 26 of them.

"How old are you?"

"A woman never tells her real age my friend" That earns me a smile.

"Answer me a question then"

"Only if you promise not to tell anyone of what I truly am"

"That seems a fair deal, alright, I promise" he says and ponders what question he will ask. "Okay, I got my question, How did you and all the others lose your power?"

Well I'm not going to tell him my sad, little history. What can I tell him that will give the least amount of information? I got it! "Thanos" Short and sweet. The best part though, is that he doesn't even know who Thanos is.

His brow creases in confusion, "Wait but-"

I hold up my hand, "I answered your question, the deal was for one question only"

"You ducked the question though"

"But I still answered it with a short honest reply, I haven't exactly broken our promise now, have I?" Score one for Raven!

A ghost of a smile twitches on his lips and I sit back down at the table. He returns to his own table and I hear him mutter, "Mischievous thing"

Gods above, Eric. If only you knew.

If only you knew how powerful I once was.
If only you knew how powerful I still am.
If only you knew why my name still makes people shudder with fear.
If only you knew what I've done.

If only you knew.

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