Raven Darklight

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Does this girl ever get tired?

We've been running nonstop for ten minutes and she hasn't even broken a sweat. Meanwhile I'm exhausted, my limbs ache and black dots obscure my vision.

I grab at the girl's hazy figure and feel my fingers tighten around her arm. "I can't...go...any...farther" I rasp. She immediately slows down and half leads, half drags me to the sidewalk.

She lowers me down and I hear her moving around. A plastic water bottle is passed to me and I clamp my lips around it. I almost moan as the cold water glides down my throat. I finish the bottle and get a better look at this strange girl.

Most of her skin is covered in a series of thick black fabric- like body armour- along with a chest plate, gloves and mask of black metal-fabric. Black lace-up boots and a backpack complete her ensemble.

What skin I can see is slightly tanned without any blemishes. Dark brown hair is pulled tightly into a twisted bun with no strands of hair out of place. How did she manage to keep her hair like that after so much running? It's physically impossible.

Her hazel eyes swivel back and forth, calculating and somewhat menacing, full of suspicion and challenge. She cocks her head to the left, listening. Most definitely for more fire beings. She shifts her weight onto her right foot and into a defensive stance. She reminds me of Sif, but more dangerous and powerful. Is she a god too? A human? Or something else entirely? Maybe Thor will know... Oh my god, Thor! I completely forgot about him!

I jump to my feet and scan the sky. There are dark thunderheads on the horizon and patches of blue. No sign of the God of Thunder. A finger pokes me on the shoulder and I whirl around. The girl motions toward a speck in the sky.

I see the shape of Thor flying down and I stumble as he lands, sending cracks through the pavement. "Thor!" I yell in delight and he sweeps me up in a hug.

"Are you alright?" He says, his brow furrowing in concern.

"Yeah" I reply. Relief washes over his face but turns to suspicion as he sees the girl.

"Who are you?" He asks coldly wielding his hammer. I open my mouth to interject but she speaks.

"My name isn't important but if you really wish to know, I'm Raven Darklight"

Raven, seems a fitting name considering she's wearing all black.

"And I came to ask for your assistance" she continues.

"For what?" Thor replies.

"Actually I suggest we find someplace safer first to continue this conversation, don't want any fire giants to interrupt us" Raven says.

Thor starts to respond but I cut him off, "I know a place" Thor looks irritated but she saved my life, she can't be all that bad.

I fish around in my pocket for my cell phone and call Darcy.

"You've reached the answering machine of Darcy Lewis, I'm currently unavailable so leave a message!"

"Darcy, I know you're there"

"Ah, man!"

"I told you she wouldn't buy it" says Ian in the background.

"How'd you find out!" She exclaims.

"Please, in a million years that would never be your voice mail" I say.

"I was going for a more professional recording"

"You're a lot of things Darcy but professional isn't one of them"

"Maybe I'll go for a more Disney like approach, like singing Frozen songs!"

"As long as you don't practice in front of me. Where are you anyway?"

"Your mom's house/lab of course"

"Is Eric there? And if he is make sure he's wearing pants. I'll see you there"

"Wait, wha-" I hang up.

"Come on, we're going to the lab" I say motioning for Thor and Raven to follow. Thank god my mom's away on vacation.

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