Airplane Ride

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I slide through crowds of Midgard's pathetic people and sit down in a metal chair. This so called "airport" is filled with people. People going on vacation, people returning back to their miserable, insignificant lives unknowing of what's to befall them.

"Flight 119 to London is now boarding, Gate B19. All passengers please start boarding" a mechanical voice says from the speakers. I stand up towering over most of the mortals. My illusion hides my armour and the crowd turns a blind eye to me.

The people surges forward through the not so wide gate; my, people are in a hurry. People jostle me from side to side and many elbows land in my ribs.

Why the mortals can't invent a better mode of transportation is beyond me. Maybe they're still as stupid as when I launched an attack on their planet. Even though I lost Midgard, Asgard is now mine to control; as long as I find the girl!

I bow my head as I enter the airplane and make my way down the narrow aisle. I find my seat quickly, it's in the middle of the airplane and beside the window. Hopefully no one will sit next to me. But...if Raven is heading to see Thor this will be the fastest way to get there. She might come on. Or maybe not.

A big yawn escapes me and I let my head fall against the side of the window. A little sleep won't hurt. I close my eyes and drift off.



I enter the plane last and check my ticket for what seat I'm in. 36B. I go down the aisle dodging people's feet. I read the numbers above the seats. 33,34,35,36. I stop in the aisle and glance at the person in the seat next to mine. It is...Loki!

I stifle a gasp and sit down quietly on the seat with my backpack between my feet. This is the man who nearly destroyed New York and took over the world I love. I look at his sleeping face, he looks so peaceful, nothing like how he was in the alley.

I feel the anger still course through my veins and watch as his eyes flickered open. I pull back my right arm and slap him across the face. His head whips back and bounces against his chair.

He turns to look at me, astonishment on his face. Loki turns angry quickly and out of thin air brings a knife to my throat. I slide my hand into one of the openings in my backpack and procure my own weapon; a golden cylinder that can change into any weapon I want. It becomes a small knife and I rest it against his neck.

"Perhaps we should continue this somewhere more private" Loki says in a silky voice.

A small gasp comes from a woman across from us and without hesitation I wipe her mind and everyone else's on board of any memory of us. Don't want anyone noticing two people missing from the plane.

"Funny" I say to Loki smiling, "I was thinking the exact same thing"

He smirks at me in return and green light bursts all around us. His face blurs and the interior of the plane disappears.

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