Chapter 11-if you love me let me go

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The door to pjs garden slammed open, and Phil retreated to the corner of the garden, scared of what just happened.
"PJ you little cunt!" Dan came running up to Pj "this is your fucking way of getting back at me?!" Dan held PJ up by the collar.
Phil stood there, shell-shocked.
"I'm sorry! Im so fucking sorry! You can fucking piss off Dan!" Dan punched PJ in the stomach, and Chris and Emma pulled the two apart.
"You didn't need to go that fucking far you cunt!" Dan yelled
"What? Just like you did to me?! You made me feel like you fucking gave a shit about me!"
"Dan calm down" Emma spoke
"I hate you!" Dan yelled before getting out of Emma's grip and going inside.

Phil cautiously followed Dan.
"Dan wait!"
"What the fuck do you want?"
"I'm sorry-he just-please"
"I don't even know why the fuck your apologising! Just piss off!"

Phil watched as Dan stormed out the front door.

He watched him walk away.

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