My sick days

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There's my bunny attacking a stuffed yeti for you guys ^^^^

Me: coughing up blood "Mom I'm sick, I don't think I can go to school, if you see the blood flying OUT OF MY MOUTH"
Mom: "Do you have a fever? NO! Go to school, I don't want to see you until the bell >:I" (okay she isn't that harsh, either way I end up in my old, sad school)
The next day
Mom: coughs once "Oh no, I can't get out of bed, go make your own food"


So I get strep throat at least twice a year, I have a messed up body. Usually when I get sick, it ends up being strep so here's a story:

Me: Hmmm I feel sick *goes to the school nurse* "Hi, my throat really hurts. It was hurting this morning too but it's really bad now." (Lol it didn't hurt this morning but if I don't say that they'll send me back to class)

Nurse: "Hmmm maybe it's your diabetes, let's test your blood sugar!" (*o*)/

WHYYYYYY diabetes has nothing to do with my throat, like just... Whyyy? XD

Me: *tests blood sugar* what a surprise: "It's 120 (AKA perfect)

Nurse: "Hmm that's odd, I thought for sure that was it. Let's take your temperature!"

Then I end up being sick and I go home and I have to keep in all my rage.

Speaking of raging and loving adults, my Social Studies (History, stuff like that) teacher gave her entire D block after school detention, but she also gave everyone smarties during our quiz so that was good. I could go on for hours about who I hate and who I don't... Let's save that for another day.

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