Something happened

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I was helping That_Spacey_Girl edit her new story, when she wrote "Louise ate Maggie" Maggie, who is me (also becoming a character in her story) and Louise, who turned out to represent her, who is also the main character of her story. I couldn't sit by and watch Maggie be eaten! No! I must fight back! I made an edit, I added on to her phrase. "Louise ate Maggie's home cooked pasta" Now, Spacey had to fight back. This continued for a while, each of us adding on some until this... thing.... was made, so enjoy! (I was defending Maggie, as she was defending Louise)

Louise ate Maggie's amazing home cooked pasta that had gluten free written all over the box, but that was a lie... THERE WAS WHEAT which was actually fine because Maggie didn't eat any... but then Louise forced it down Maggie's throat and Maggie filed a court case to Louise for possibly killing her in her thoughts, because before she could do so she was already dead. BUT THEN THE GRIM REAPER DIDN'T WANT HER so she was sent back to live a happy life, with millions of dollars and a giant house. Only because she kissed the Grim Reaper and he became a love-sick puppy but that's okay because Maggie gives the best kisses in the history of kisses for dogs and humans alike, but only the kind that like the slobbery kisses which do happen to be the best kisses according to Maggie, and only Maggie. Due to the amazing kiss, Maggie made the Grim reaper kill Louise BUT the Grim Reaper loved Louise more than Maggie, and sent her back down to earth with a trillion times the amount of everything that Maggie had. Maggie soon got a group of robbers to steal everything from Louise, the group was soon well known for doing good things (such as taking Louise's fortune) that Maggie named the group "Grell" they went on to be famous and work for the president. But the president was Ozzie, who had a swag level of 10000000/10, and Ozzie and Santa Grell together helped Louise get everything back (but they did not tell the group "Grell" about this). Soon enough, Christmas came around and because Louise doesn't celebrate Christmas, Maggie got Santa Grell on her side, Santa Grell took all the money back from Louise and exploded her house along with everything she owned. But then he realized he actually liked Louise a whole lot more than Maggie, and then died along with her (in order to be by her side forever and ever) but only after he, along with Ozzie, blew up Maggie's house with her and her pasta inside. Maggie looked down from heaven, now with the powers of an angle and built up a mansion for herself to live in, she moved to earth and lived in the mansion, and she hired a skeleton to make her gluten free pasta. The skeleton put wheat in the pasta on purpose, and Maggie died again (which sent her to live on the Death Star and marry Luke). Then, the Grim Reaper banned her from ever returning. Also, Ozzie married Louise in heaven after he died from the pollution caused from the building of Maggie's mansion. They lived happily ever after for forever, forever and a day. BUT THEN while on the death star Maggie mastered the force and went to heaven, she threw Ozzie off of the cloud where he fell to his second death and landed far away in a different part of heaven. Maggie turned to Louise and held up her phone.

"I need the wifi password" she whispered, before punching Louise and stealing the wifi password from her brain.

But, this did not work as they had no connection and Ozzie decided to change the wifi password so that nobody could get his wifi, then he made everyone go to Antarctica for the only available wifi in the world/heaven/the bad place down under the earth and then both of Louise's halves ruled the world/heaven/the bad place down under the earth/the death star and all of it's wifi. Although Louise took over the world, Maggie was happy because she summoned two elephant sized mice. One named Fredward and the other Rainboo, she rode Fredward into battle, Fredward always shot a cannon at Rainboo, causing her to blast into bubbles before respawning, only to die again. But then Ozzie, the Grim Reaper, Louise and Santa Grell all trapped Fredward and Maggie in a crate used for companions and used portals to drop it into the sea where the mouse and Maggie were lost in forever (but they didn't meet any merpeople). Maggie happily floated in the sea because it was a sea of magic, she soon was able to make anything she wanted, she went to Hogwarts and she defeated all shamans and she duplicated all Fredwards and she also wrote amazing stories. Louise won the war, but Maggie won her battle with Rainboo.

And then everyone died forever due to Comic Sans. They died without food, wifi, or cheese. The end.  

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