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Hiya! Rant time!

So as most of you should know by now I have the curse of type one diabetes. Yes, my body cannot produce insulin. Yes, I need to watch the carbohydrates I eat. No, this does not mean I can't eat candy or other sugary food.

In a sense, I need to be more careful when I do because sugar can spike blood sugars up very rabidly.
Ex: I give myself the correct amount of insulin for an apple. I eat the apple and the insulin covers it, everything works out. I give myself the correct amount of insulin for a chocolate bar. I eat it, I test my blood sugar to find its in the 300s right after I eat the candy. I then check it half an hour later, and I'm back in the 100s as the insulin takes a slower time to work than the sugar.
BUT I CAN STILL EAT IT! I'm obsessed with chocolate! I made my mother go out and buy a chocolate advent calendar for me! (In my defense she asked me and my brothers if we wanted to open advent calendars this year or if we were too old)

So anyway, there's always a reason to my writing. A few days ago, my dad bought me two sticks (or triangles, rather) of Toblerone. It's a type of chocolate that I love thanks to That_Spacey_Girl haha! So my parents were both out one night and they had a babysitter watching me and my brothers because they weren't gonna be home until like 2 AM.

SO I finished my diner and I was like "Imma get some desert up in here" the only problem was this person was new to our family because our usual babysitter was out of the country, she knew of my diabetes but she didn't know what it really was. So I'm walking into the kitchen and I go grab the Toblerone triangle stick off the counter and open it, I pull off like 4 triangles (it's a small bar don't worry that's not that much) and as I'm walking to grab my diabetic control pod thing (PDM: Personal Diabetic Moniter) to give myself insulin for it the babysitter stops me and says this:
"Maggie? Shouldn't you not eat that because of your diabetes?"
I wanted to explode.
"Oh no!" ^-^ "I can I just gotta give myself insulin" :D
Then send you to the fiery pits of the underworld. Hem sorry, but I was pretty pissed off, I understand and all but this happens a lot, and my mom and dad explained to her that we can basically do what we want and I'm a big girl I can get my own food! I mean, my siblings and I are pretty quiet, we really only talk if we want to play a game together which is rare, but she should've known. My parents told them all about the diabetes and stuff.

Anyway, lesson is that diabetics can eat food, just like normal people :D

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