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Here we go Fang's gon' share one of her fears... Again.

I am terrified of thunder storms. No, seriously I'm sitting in my bed at like 2:30 am just shaking in fear and I came to write this because idk it might make me feel better.

Now, the issue with this fear is that I don't think anyone knows I'm so terrified of thunder storms. I woke up this... Well I guess it's morning so, this morning and went downstairs because I felt high- no, stop its not that high calm yourselves. I felt like I had high blood sugar (I was 419, that's bad. I want to be 120).

Anyways, I went downstairs and tested yada yada but my mom was up with me. She, unlike me is not terrified of thunder storms and apparently there was a meteor shower that we were suppose to be able to see. So she opens the front door to try to see it (a perfectly good thing to do with your daughter when she wakes up at 2 am). So the door wasn't really open, we have a wooden door then we have a glass door so we were looking out the glass.

BUT there was lighting.  I didn't really notice it before, but now that I was actually looking in the sky I was so super spooked. Who am I kidding? I'm still sitting in bed super spooked- and there's more lightning.

Well I'm going to go now and look at other apps to make me man up- even though I'm not a man.

But on a side note my phone be broke and half the time there are these white lines that will block of my "Q" and "A" keys, and I also can't press the uppercase button or the button to get to numbers and stuff. In fact it was happening at the start of the chapter and let me tell you, waiting for autocorrect to add in "a" for you is not fun. But that should be fixed Tuesday because I'm taking my phone in.

Anyways I'm off to cry because I'm at the top floor of my house and lighting hits high places haha so funny Imightdie

Good night- or morning whatever.

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