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I'm sick
I am so very sick
But it's not like a fever it's just one of those colds that make you feel sick af for like 3 days so you still need to go to school for that one day and you just wanna curl up in a ball and cry for five hours.
Yeah, it's one of those colds.

It's also the reason I'm up at like midnight writing.

Anywho, I haven't swallowed a pill whole before 15 minutes ago.
It's not that I couldn't, because to be honest with you I've always been able to, it's just that I never really specified that I could.

You see, I haven't been sick for a good year now (a least, not sick enough to take medicine for it) so I never really had the chance to take and medicine for colds and that fun stuff. Also every time I'm sick it's strep throat in which case I get the liquid medicine because let's be honest that stuff tastes good.

I mean, I guess I shouldn't be saying that because I shouldn't be getting strep in the first place but y'know stuff happens. Anyway I'm getting side tracked.

So whenever I needed Advil or stuff like that my parents would just always give me the chewable pills because I never really said I wanted anything different.

So today my mom insisted I take an Advil for my sickness so she gave me one that I just needed to swallow. I was terrified, but I couldn't let her know I was terrified so I just swallowed it with water. Pretty anti climatic but hey I'm still sick so if you want drama I guess I could have a deadly sickness and not know it. I mean, a common cold killed like 9000 people a year back in the olden days so yeah it's deadly.

Okay bye guys remember to look both ways while crossing a one ways before crossing a one way street.


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