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Once upon a time, somebody sat on the floor. They laid out two pieces of string, and left. Who this person is or why they left such strings is unknown, but it doesn't matter.

Once upon a time, somebody found two strings laid on the floor. This person cherished the strings, and ensured they never were frayed, tangled, broken or damaged in any way. One day, they left the strings and found one broken upon arriving back to them. This person didn't know how, when or why one string was broken, but they were devistated. This string was amazingly important to this person, and now it was gone. Despite the fact that their second string remained perfect, this person lost half of a whole. Well, living with half of what you had is far more painful than living with none, so they made an important decision. They cut the second string, and left.

I'vd been writing for about an hour now. Please interpet what you'd like.

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