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I was tagged by NeonDiscoKitty so here we go!


1) You must post the rules

2) You must tag 13 people

3) Answer all questions assigned to you and make new ones

4) Tagging back is allowed

5) If you're doing this, two weeks max is the time limit to finish

6) Make a creative title! (does mine count? Haha nope)

7) You don't have to do this if you don't want to, but hey it might be fun!

Tagging people at the end so my questions are:

1) What are you? (Optimist, Sadist, Perfectionist, ect.)

I'd say I'm an optimistic introvert, haha!

2) Favourite art style?

I really enjoy the "chibi" art style, it's mostly made of large heads and very round shapes but I find it adorable!

3) You're being attacked by the main protagonist from the last show/anime/movie you watched. Who is attacking you, and what do you use to fight back?

Gonna go with last anime I watched, which would be Rin Okumura, and I would be 100% screwed. I suppose to fight back I would use Amaimon. No, not to hide behind, I would literally slap him with Amaimon. Great fight strat, we should all use it.

4) What year would you like it to be?

I don't really have  a certain year I want, I suppose 2020 because I would be old enough to be a lot of things I wanna do.

5) What language do you want to learn the most?

Je veux parler français, mais moi prof est tres mal. (I want to speak french, by my teacher is very bad)

6) What animal would you like to be?

Ooh I always wanted to be a fox when I was younger, and I still agree that it would be fun, haha!

7) What Era would you like to live in?

I like the era I live in now most, so I wouldn't change that!

8) If you could be in any war, which one would it be?

This is a very interesting question, I would say the Peloponnesian War because I find that time period very interesting, and c'mon who doesn't want to be part of Sparta or Athens?

9) If you could play any sport you wanted, what would it be? If you play a sport, what is it?

Okay, I don't play any sports, and I would love to be good at volley ball because it seems fun and looks awesome to watchers.

10) What instrument would you like to play? If you play an instrument, which one is it?

So I used to play piano, but I quit becase it made me miserable. I would, however like to be good at playing the piano, I just don't have enough discipline to actually learn how.

11) What book/manga/movie/show/anime would you want to live in?

Too many, uhh Ao No Exorcist, Fruits Basket, or Harry Potter.

12) Your worst fear is happening. What do you do?

Okay, my worst fear is literally my own death. I honestly don't know what I'd do, but my second worst fear is if I were to walk into my house getting home from school to see somebody already inside it. I've actually planned this out, so first I would grab the trash can and throw it at the person, then I'd take a  kitchen chair and slap him with it until he falls onto floor, which I will then stomp on his head to cause him to pass out and call the police.

13) What is your favorite jewel/stone?

Ooh okay, I really like ruby which is my birth stone, and I also like amethyst.















That's literally everyone I know who writes books, so if you don't actually know me, don't do this if you don't want too, haha!

Your questions:

1) What's your favorite school subject?

2) You can meet any real person you want, who is it?

3) Now you can meet any fictional character, who is it?

4) Introvert or extrovert?

5) Favorite animal?

6) Soda or naw?

7) Fill in the sentence! A _____ a day keeps the ____ away!

8) You can have any talent. What would it be?"

9) What's the best birthday theme idea?

10) When is the worst time to sneeze?

11) You can go anywhere in the universe, where are you going to go?

12) You now have the power to travel through time! Anywhere and everywhere, where do you start?

13) What is the best yearbook quote to have?

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