Chapter 1

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Nick wanted to vomit.

After everything that had happened that morning, he didn't think he could throw up any more of his breakfast, but his stomach said otherwise. Today was the day...the day he was to be married.

Off the market, no longer closed. Nick wanted to vomit.

He had never been so nervous, not even since he had gotten his record deal....or when he'd gone on his first trip to LA alone. None of these things compared to what he was about to do. Nick felt by marrying Tracy he was basically throwing any chances he had with Amanda....any hope that remained for the two of them was now gone.

Nick adjusted his tie on his white tuxedo, it felt like it was choking him as sweat formed at his brows. Maybe there was still time to call it off.

It was then that he saw her....Amanda pushing her way through to find an empty seat with Lance at her side. She looked pretty, wearing a powder blue dress and her hair tied at the back with a silver clip. His eyes met hers and he could tell she was trying her hardest not to cry at the sight of him at the altar.

Amanda was devastated. She was watching someone who'd been her best friend half of her life....someone she was in love with get married to another woman.

It had already been hard convincing Nick to go through with the wedding that morning, although part of her wanted to steal Nick away for herself and tell Lance to fuck himself.

Especially right now. He'd been a pest all morning, dragging her along to the wedding ceremony because he wanted to watch Nick get hitched. To him, Nick being married meant he wouldn't be after his wife anymore.

Amanda wiped a tear from her eyes and sighed as Nick's eyes met hers, looking fearful. He clearly didn't want any part in the ceremony.

"You okay?" Lance asked, but was answered with a punch to the arm when the organ began to play 'Here Comes The Bride'. Nick's forehead was beaded with sweat as Tracy walked down the aisle towards him, wearing a flowing white wedding dress and holding a bouquet of pink roses. Amanda felt the tears come as she walked by with a smug expression on her pretty face.

Tracy had been so cold to her since Amanda found out she was rushing Nick to the altar...but what hurt the most is that their frienship was basically over now.

Amanda would have loved to slap the smile off of Tracy's face.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to unite this couple in holy matrimony." a priest with graying hair announced. Nick felt himself wanting to run at that moment, run to Amanda and whisk her away like shje had suggested a few days ago.

"Okay,'s your chance..." he thought to himself. His legs seemed to have forgotten how to move. He looked at Amanda once more, his face almost pleading with her not to let him go through with this wedding.

"If anyone should disagree with this union, speak now or forever hold your peace." the priest continued. Nick looked out at the spectators, his blue eyes darting through the crowd, silently begging for someone to protest....then hated himself for thinking it. He did love Tracy dearly, but at the same time...he wasn't in love with her. He thought of the ring he wanted to give Amanda, the one sitting in his studio. Nick replayed so many times he'd not told her how he felt....was so deep in thought that he didn't hear the priest mention it was time to say his vows.

"Nick..." Tracy whispered angrily, glaring at him.

"What? Sorry." Nick said with a sheepish grin. The priest smiled and a few people whispered.

"Do you, Nick....take Tracy for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" the priest asked. Nick's face was void of color and his hands shook as he could not find his voice.

"I....I....I..." he stammered, and everyone began to whisper. He looked at Amanda again, but Tracy redirected his gaze back to her green eyes, giving him a warning glare. Nick still could not speak.

"They're waiting." she said through gritted teeth. Nick gulped, his hands shaking...sweat formed on his forehead.

"I DO!!" Nick blurted out when Tracy stomped on his foot with her heel.

"Tracy, do you?"

"I do." she said confidentally, making sure to smile.

"By the power vested in me by the city of Oceanview, Flordia - I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now..." the priest began, but Tracy had grabbed Nick's face, kissing him passionately. Nick saw Amanda start to cry and his heart broke as he watched her. Nick made to go after her but Tracy took his hand and stopped him, leaning in close to his ear.

"Don't worry about her, you belong to me now." Tracy whispered, stroking his hair and kissing him again as the sun finally set behind them. Nick felt like a chapter of his life was over....but little did he know it was just beginning.

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