Chapter 45

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Leaving rehearsals, Amanda got into her car and still felt angry about what Nick had told her. Nick had always looked up to Brian in a way, put him on a pedestal. Brian was always the one he wanted to be like, and for him to hurt Nick just made her blood boil. Brian was not known for being so nasty usually, so she wondered if his rudeness stemmed from the fact that he was not over the breakup. She drove to Brian's house to pick up her daughter, going through her mind what she would say to him. She still cared for Brian like a brother, and this pushed away a lot of thoughts she was having. Brian lived in a small house a street over from Nick's. He had a well kept yard and a fence because of his dog. He owned a very small dog, a Chihuahua. He was often worried about him getting loose so he put up a chain link fence around the property. Amanda walked up to the door and rang the bell. After a few minutes he answered.

"Hi, Amanda." he said brightly, inviting her in.

"Bad day?" Brian added after he noticed the expression on her face. Her hand came across his face with such force that it stung his skin.

"What the hell was that for?" he demanded, rubbing his face.

"How dare you speak on my personal life?" Amanda shouted at him, her eyes glaring at him.

"What are you talking about?" Brian asked as they walked into the living room. Celine was in the playpen, looking content. Amanda had to give it to Brian, he had such a way with kids that she would never understand.

"You had a chat with Nick this morning..." she snapped. Brian looked down at his feet and rubbed his neck sheepishly.

"Oh...that." was all he could manage.

"Brian, Nick still looks up to you like when you two were ten years old. For you to talk to him like that, it was hurtful."

"I was angry at the time. I had to work a double shift on no sleep, and then I ended up dealing with his stupid mother. Then to see him walking out of your house in the killed me and I snapped." Brian explained, feeling ashamed. He really felt horrible for saying the things he did and would give anything to take it all back.

"It still doesn't excuse what you said. You really heart him and me. If you are still upset over the breakup, you should have talked to me about it." Amanda said, her tone gradually becoming calmer. She could see he was truly being sincere, he was torn up about acting the way he had done.

"Amanda...I will always care for you. I should not have come between Nick and you....I was just getting in the way."

"Don't feel like that, Bri. If my heart didn't belong to Nick, believe me...I would have stayed with you. You're a wonderful guy."

"I am sorry for the rockstar comment too. That was out of line and I had no right saying that." Brian pointed out. Amanda took her daughter and turned to him before leaving the house.

"You need to be saying this to Nick, not me." she replied before she went across the street. Brian headed right over to Nick's house where he found him in the driveway with Aaron, building something while Aaron rolled around on his skateboard.

"Make it higher," the boy said as he rolled past and into the street.

"Don't go too far," Nick called after him as he hammered.

"Hey," Brian said suddenly. Nick glanced up and did not speak, but the hammer hit the wood a bit harder than normal.

"Nick, I wanted to talk to you about what I said this morning." Brian started. Tap. Tap. Tap. Nick hammered away, still not meeting his gaze. He got up and went to the woodpile and chose another piece, then began hammering again.

"Please talk to me." Brian said, his voice a bit louder.

"There is nothing to talk about. You said enough." Nick snapped darkly. Brian looked away from him, watching Aaron for a moment as he did tricks on the skateboard.

"I didn't mean any of that. I was tired..."

"That's your excuse? were the last person expected to berate me like that." Nick replied with hurt in his voice.

"I wish I could take it all back. I am so sorry I said that to you."

"Damn it!" Nick shouted, the hammer hitting his thumb. He retracted and shook it, pain shooting through his hand.

"Let's go inside, you should probably put ice on that." Brian suggested. The two of them went into Nick's kitchen and Brian helped him get some ice for his throbbing hand.

"I'm sorry I made you bring up dating Amanda. I understand why you were angry, I would have been furious if it were me." Nick said as he held the ice on his hand, feeling a bit calmer.

"Nick, its all right. You and her belong together...I was being selfish." Brian said with a grin.

"I am going to ask her to move in with me," Nick told him after they had talked for a while.

"That's great. Its about time you two got together." Brian laughed.

"Yeah, I know. So do you think she will do it?"

"If I know Amanda like I think I do, she would do anything you asked her." Brian grinned. That night after Nick's show Amanda walked into his dressing room and Nick greeted her with a kiss. It was nice that they didn't have to hide their feelings anymore and Nick could express himself freely.

"Great show tonight, baby! I wasn't sure how you would be tonight." Amanda said, kissing him back.

"Well, Brian came to talk to me. Everything is okay..." Nick explained with a grin.

"I am so glad you two made up." Amanda said. She was surprised that Nick and Brian had patched things up so quickly, Nick was not one to forgive easily and Brian was stubborn.

"I actually wanted to ask you something." Nick said suddenly. Amanda raised an eyebrow at him...he could ask her one of a million things. Was he about to propose...she hoped so as she stared into his eyes, his eyes searching for just the right words.

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