Chapter 46

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"What did you want to ask me, Nick?" Amanda said as he kissed her once more in the dressing room.

"I would like you to move in with us." Nick told her, grinning. Amanda had actually been thinking about this for a while, but was waiting to discuss it with Nick first, because she didn't know how he would feel about anything.

"That's great, baby....but what about my house? The market is bad right now and I wouldn't be able to sell it." she replied.

"I could buy it from you." Nick suggested with a grin. She looked at him as if he had lost his mind.

"Nick....that's insane. You don't need another house!" Amanda laughed. Nick laughed with her but his expression changed.

"Not for me, for Joey." Amanda stared at him in disbelief. Nick wanted to buy Joey a house. Joey was his roommate who had the other basement room next to AJ. He was a clothing designer, so they all found out recently when Amanda needed a dress to wear for the Grammy awards. Since Amanda wore his design, he was now getting lots of work by people calling him. Unfortunately his room was so small he was limited to how many dresses he could work on.

"What about AJ?" she asked, thinking of how AJ had been Nick's first roommate and had been living there since high school. Nick and AJ both shared expenses of the house and AJ had helped Nick through a lot when he was living on his own.

"He doesn't want to move." Nick said simply.

"Okay, but we should talk it over
with Joey first." Amanda agreed, smiling as Nick kissed her. It was happening, they were finally moving in together. Nick and Amanda talked to Joey right away. He was ecstatic to have his own place. Once everything was finalized, Joey moved into Amanda's old house, and Amanda moved into Nick's place with the baby. She was excited to be living with Nick, but the moving day wore her out. She and Nick fell asleep next to each other, and it was wonderful because neither of them had to leave in the morning. The next day, Amanda woke up late. She noticed it was ten in the morning and sprung out of bed to attend to the baby. To her surprise, it was very quiet in the house. After getting dressed, Amanda wandered downstairs to find the baby playing in her playpen, looking content. Aaron was at school already and Nick was busily dusting the living room. The place was spotless.

"Morning baby. I put the coffee on for you." Nick replied with a smile. Amanda walked into the kitchen and found a plate of breakfast in the microwave and a pot of coffee was ready for her. Amanda felt spoiled, when she and Lance lived together he was normally gone by 8 in the morning and she hardly saw him until night. Nick was different than most guys she had been with. He was up by seven, took care of the house and still took care of her as well. Nick finished cleaning and came into the kitchen as Amanda ate. He made himself some coffee and sat down at the table to keep her company.

"Nick, I was thinking. When you became famous, you bought Brian a car. You bought me the nightclub...what did you get AJ?" Amanda asked.

"I redid the basement room for him. This was right before Joey moved used to be just one room. I made it into two bedrooms and a room for storage. I had a bathroom installed and put in a TV....that's what he wanted." Nick explained.

"No wonder he doesn't want to leave." Amanda laughed as she sipped her coffee. Nick told her he had to go and do a few things. He left and Amanda had the house to herself for a while. It was relaxing not having to worry about the house not being clean, so she put the baby down for a nap and just relaxed. AJ came home with Aaron that afternoon, having picked him up from school on his way home from work.

"Hi Aaron." Amanda said as they walked in. AJ went downstairs for a bit and came back up with an armful of clothes.

"Uh oh." Aaron announced, his brown eyes watching him head
into the laundry room.

"What's wrong, Aaron?"

"AJ is about to do laundry!" Aaron told her, looking horrified. Amanda had to laugh at this....Aaron usually made a big deal when somebody other than Nick did the washing. AJ could take care of himself, but sometimes he wasn't sure of what he was doing. Aaron walked into the laundry room where AJ was putting the clothes into the washing machine.

"That's too much soap, Jay." he said, leaning on the dryer. AJ looked at him skeptically.

"Amanda, what goes in first, the soap or that fabric stuff?"

"You can put them both in, but Aaron is right. That is way too much detergent." Amanda said from the kitchen.

"I don't need a kid to tell me how to do laundry." AJ snapped, closing the machine and turning it on. Aaron and Amanda exchanged glances before leaving the room. About an hour later, Aaron was in the kitchen doing his homework when he saw bubbles coming out under the laundry room door. His eyes went wide and he ran to get Amanda. He brought her into the kitchen and they opened the laundry room door. Bubbles filled the room , along with water that spilled into the kitchen.

"Oh my god." Amanda gasped as she looked at the mess. They couldn't find AJ...he had gone out and Nick was due home any time. Amanda dove into the bubbles and shut off the washing machine as Aaron desperately tried to help her clean it all up.

"Nick is gonna flip!" Aaron shouted, covered in bubbles. The two of them cleaned up almost everything by themselves. A tired looking Nick walked in and stopped when he saw the two of them dripping water in the kitchen.

"I'm not even gonna ask. I will be in my room." he said as he shuffled upstairs to take a nap. AJ came in soon after.

"Well at least our clothes our clean," Aaron remarked, and Amanda laughed.

"AJ I hate you." he said a moment later.

"Whoa what did I miss?" AJ asked with a smile.

"We told you it was too much soap, Aje. Now have fun cleaning it up." Amanda said as she handed him the mop. AJ reluctantly mopped the floor and Aaron giggled.

"AJ is no longer allowed to touch the appliances." Aaron said and the three of them laughed. Amanda decided she liked Nick's house. At least it would never be boring.

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