Chapter 54

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"You sure you'll be okay while Amanda and I are gone, AJ?" Nick asked with a grin as he packed his suitcase. He was taking a trip to the Virgin Islands with Amanda, their first vacation alone. AJ was hesitant but promised he would take care of the kids.

"Nick, I got it covered. Celine loves me. Aaron is 12, what are you worried about?" he scoffed. Nick finished packing and shit the suitcase, turning to look at him with a bemused expression.

"Jay, you can't even make toast." he teased, crossing the room to check his closet.

"That was just the one time." AJ quipped.

"Okay, but still. I don't want the house blowing up while I am away." Nick said, as he rummaged through his closet before picking out a suit and packing it in the second suitcase he laid on the bed. He was nervous about the trip, all right. This trip with Amanda would change everything for the two of them. The next evening, Nick and Amanda said their goodbyes before leaving for their trip.

"I wish you would tell me where we are going, baby." Amanda said, her brown eyes narrowed at him.

"Ah, but its a surprise." Nick said with a wink. Amanda hated when Nick was secretive, but loved it at the same time because their relationship was always exciting. She moved to hand AJ the baby, but Celine grabbed her around the neck and made noise in protest.

"Sweetheart, mommy is going on a trip with daddy. You're staying with Uncle AJ." Amanda said, as Nick tried to pry the baby off of her.

"Be good for Uncle AJ, honey." Nick said, once AJ had the baby. Celine grunted in protest and reached for Amanda. Her blue eyes were watering and Amanda almost took her back. It was the first time she would be separated from the baby since she was born.

"Do we have to go?" Amanda said, turning to face Nick and pouting.

"We have to get to the airport, baby." Nick told her, watching the time.

Amanda said goodbye to the baby again and they left, leaving AJ with the kids. AJ carried Celine to the couch, and sat down while holding her.

"Well now what?" Aaron asked, shrugging. Celine was focused on the door, watching it to see if Amanda and Nick would return.

"Did you do your homework?" AJ asked as he turned on the TV with his free hand.

"Awe come on, AJ. Nick isn't here." the boy protested.

"Your brother would never let me hear the end of it..." AJ said as the baby started whimpering.

"Not now Celine...." he thought when she let out a wail. She was full blown crying about a few moments later. AJ stood up and carried her through the living room, pacing back and forth while patting her gently on the back and shushing her. The baby cried and cried, her voice drowning out everything else. After about two hours and trying everything he could to calm her, AJ had just about given up.

"Can't you make her stop, AJ?" Aaron begged, covering his ears and wincing at the baby's screaming. AJ looked frazzled as he bounced her gently and shushed her, but nothing worked.

"Its not like she has an off button, kiddo. I don't know what else to do." he said in frustration.

"Can't you sing to her? That's what Nick does." Aaron suggested. Sure...that was easy for Nick to just sing to whoever he wanted to. AJ knew how to sing somewhat, but he never showed off. He was just not into singing to the baby.

"What about you, Aaron? You sound like your brother." AJ said in protest as the baby cried louder still.

"Oh no...I don't do the singing thing. I couldn't." Aaron protested, backing away.

"How the heck do we get her to stop crying then?" AJ mused. He thought of calling Amanda and Nick, privately decided he shouldn't bother them.

"She's gonna get sick if she keeps up like this." Aaron pointed out, as AJ handed him the baby.

"Take her in the other room while I use the phone." he said, after Aaron gave him a look of protest. AJ picked up his cell and called the first person he could think of.


"Brian, I need you to come over here. Celine won't stop crying..." AJ said, sighing as a headache started taking over. He felt like a failure for calling Brian, he had promised he could handle taking care of the baby while Nick was away. Brian showed up not long after with his dog Tyke. Aaron fell in love with the Chihuahua right away.

"He is soo cute!" Aaron marvled as the dog ran around the kitchen.

"I had to bring him, I can't leave him alone. What's wrong with Celine?" Brian said as AJ came in the room with Celine, who was still crying even though she had no tears left.

"Make her stop! Please?" AJ begged, looking stressed beyond belief as he handed the baby to Brian.

"Come here baby girl...don't cry..." Brian said sweetly, gently rubbing her back and kissing her on the forehead.

"AJ, why is she crying?" Brian whispered as he was calming Celine.

"How the fuck should I know? She hasn't stopped since Nick and Amanda left!" AJ explained as he rummaged for some asprin. He heard a shaking noise and turned around to see Aaron holding a jar of money.

"Crap....wait! I....oh come on Aaron. Nick isn't home." AJ whined.

"Pay up AJ." Aaron smirked devilishly, holding up the jar. Nick had placed the jar in the kitchen to keep people from swearing in front of the kids. The money was going to be split into college funds for Aaron and Aaron had taken to the idea almost right away. AJ dug into his pocket and took out two dollars before reluctantly stuffing them into the jar.

"I hate that thing. Nick and his bonehead ideas." AJ complained before realizing that the baby had stopped crying.

"How do you DO that? I have been trying all day!" AJ said in surprise. Celine was content, her head on Brian's shoulder and her lips curved into a small smile.

"When Lance left Amanda I was the one who helped take care of the baby. Celine is used to being with me. I suppose Nick and Amanda went away and Celine is having separation anxiety?" Brian whispered with a grin.

"She started crying as soon as Amanda left. They are gone for a week, can you help me take care of her? I promised them I would, but you seem to be better for her." AJ asked. Brian smiled as the baby fell asleep on his chest. He always loved Celine like a daughter, he was glad to help. AJ was usually too stubborn to ask for help but admitting defeat was a start. He just hoped nothing else would go wrong while Nick and Amanda were away.

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