Chapter 42

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Nick raced towards the house, almost tripping in the sand as he went. His heart was pounding at the thought of her returning. He knew she meant to take Aaron away from him....although he had won custody of his brother in court. Nick had promised his brother he wouldn't go back to her after he saw the marks on his back, the scratches and dark bruises dotting his body. As he ran up the stairs, Nick felt his chest tighten as he thought of what he had endured as a child. Going hungry for days on end, being locked up in closets and basements, being kicked and thrown around....the verbal and physical abuse he went through was all coming back, his mother's words echoing in his mind. He raced into the house and saw her standing there, looking angry. She hadn't changed much since he had seen her last. Jane Carter stared at him, her eyes narrowed and watching him with disgust. A little boy cried and Nick shook him away, not wanting to relive it again.

"What have you done with him?" Jane asked, her tone dripping with sarcasm. Nick couldn't speak, he felt a lump in his throat and his hands were shaking as he pictured himself as a child getting beaten in the same room they stood in. The child's screams rang in Nick's ears and his eyes began to water.

"You have no business being here." Nick said, his voice barely audible. He couldn't bring himself to even call her his mother.

"Aaron doesn't belong here, he's coming home with me." Jane said bitterly. Nick closed his eyes, the fear overpowering him. He slowly walked towards her, his hands shaking with every step.

"You're not taking him. I would
rather die before I let him go with you." he snapped.

"I can arrange that, Nickolas." Jane said in a hollow voice. He blinked at her, did she just threaten to kill him? He barely had finished the thought when a fist came across his face. He almost fell but regained his balance quickly and wiped blood from his lip. Looking at the blood on his hand, he blinked in shock. After all these years of being away from his mother, free of she was again.

"How dare you touch me." Nick shouted, tears in his eyes. Jane stood there, smiling at him because she had wanted him to react. She was determined to leave the house with Aaron, at all costs.

"Where is my son?" she asked, her hand striking again. This time Nick did fall, landing on his side. He didn't move for a while, paralyzed by fear. Nick felt the warm tears on his face and felt ashamed that he was crying in front of her. He saw her move towards him again and he got up, his legs wobbly.

"He-he's not going with you."

"Still the same little boy. You always were weak." Jane laughed, grinning at him. Nick heard the child crying again and blinked again, clenching his fists.

"I'm not weak." he said defiantly, his tone stronger.

"You always were. Just like your good for nothing father."

"At least Dad apologized for leaving. You hurt me for 10 years....." Nick started, and again the hand came....but this time it never touched him.

"What are you doing? Let go of me." Jane said, as Nick held her back. She tried to strike him but her hand was locked in his.

"You're never touching either of us again. Aaron will never go back to you, I won custody of him fair and square." Nick shouted at her. Amanda came into the room at that moment, Aaron trailing behind.

"Come on, sweetheart, you're coming with me." Jane said sweetly, her arms outstretched towards Aaron. The boy cowered at the sight of her, clinging to Amanda's dress as the tears rolled down his cheeks. He gently shook his head, blonde hair falling in front of his eyes.

"I said he isn't going with you!" Nick screamed. He heard his daughter crying in AJ's arms and felt enraged. He closed his eyes again, hearing his five year old self begging for mercy. Jane moved towards Amanda to grab Aaron, he hid behind her and yelped in fear. Nick stepped in front of them, his arms outstretched and protecting them. Amanda backed away in shock, staring at Jane in disbelief.

"Nick..." Aaron sobbed, his face pale with terror.

"Stay away from him!" Nick hollered, his voice booming. She shoved him into the wall, Amanda and Aaron jumping out of the way. Nick made a noise as he hit the wall and Amanda cried out to him, frightened. Nick raised his hand to let her know he was okay and regained his balance.

"Aaron is all I have left. You can't possibly take good care of him."

"Right. That's why the courts took him from you. I saw the bruises. You will never touch him again....I will make damn sure of it." Nick said. All of a sudden, Brian appeared in the room, fully dressed in his police uniform and looking angry.

"What's going on here?" Brian growled, crossing his arms. His tired eyes fell upon the blood on Nick's face and he understood.

"Mrs. Carter, you are violating not one, but two restraining orders." he said sternly, crossing the room.
"I have done nothing wrong, officer." Jane responded nastily, rolling her eyes. She turned to run for the door but Brian blocked her path.

"Hmmm we can add on resisting arrest on to the list." Brian quipped. Nick had to suppress a laugh at that point. Brian was a good policeman, he would take care of it in no time. Sure enough, Brian handcuffed her and led her outside as she screamed insults at him. Drawing a sigh of relief, Nick fell to his knees, his eyes facing the floor. His Grammy award sat in front of him, partially broken. Nick didn't care, he wiped his eyes and sighed again as his brother ran over to him and wrapped his arms around him, crying.

"Are you okay?" Aaron asked as Nick smiled weakly.

"I am now."

"She isn't coming back, is she?" Aaron asked as Nick hugged him tightly, holding him as if he would never let go.

"She is gone, kiddo. She can't hurt us anymore." Nick whispered with a smile. As Amanda watched them and calmed her daughter down, she smiled. Even though her perfect night had been ruined, she was really proud of Nick and loved him even more.

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