Chapter 9

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"Come come, I have a suprise for you!" Lance whispered. He told Amanda to close her eyes as he took her by the hand.

"What is it?" Amanda giggled as Lance lead her down the hallway, sounding giddy.

"Okay, you can look now." he told her.

"Oh,'s wonderful!" Amanda squealed. His suprise was a room for the baby. He had painted the walls a light yellow, and a crib stood along the wall. There was a changing table, and it was cozy.

"I did this all myself......glad you like it." Lance said as she kissed him. Amanda was 6 months pregnant now, her belly growing bigger. Lance made her lunch as the doorbell rang.

"Hello, Nick!" Lance said brightly, and Nick raised an eyebrow. Lance let him in and patted him on the back. Nick was not used to such a warm welcome, it made him feel very uncomfortable and awkward.

"Hi," he muttered, walking over to Amanda and raising an eyebrow.

"Hi, Nick." she said while Lance brought her a sandwich on a plate with a glass of milk to wash it down. He kissed her on the cheek and walked back to the kitchen, whistling cheerfully. Nick watched it all in disbelief...he was hoping Lance would continue to treat Amanda poorly so she would leave him. Nick knew he was horrible for thinking this, but he was not brave enough to steal Amanda matter how much he loved her.

"Is he okay? Or did Lance get switched by a pod person?" Nick whispered. Amanda laughed.

"He is fine, been spoiling me rotten." she explained happily as she ate.

"Really? Since when is he like this? He is never this nice or friendly with anyone."

"You hungry, Nick? I can make you one too if ya like." Lance offred from the kitchen.

"No, I'm good." Nick said, a sour feeling in his stomach. Lance's kindness was leaving a bad taste in his mouth and Nick shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Nick, Lance is fine. He is so excited about the baby, he built a nursery!" Amanda gushed. Nick couldn't believe this was happening, Lance was a total different person, cleaning the house, cooking, and waiting on Amanda. This was not what Nick wanted at all, he had hoped they would divorce, but it had all gone wrong.

"That's great," Nick said, putting on a fake smile for her.

"Can you imagine anything more wonderful? I am going to be a father!" Lance beamed as Nick smiled awkwardly.

"Its awesome. I am so happy for you."

"Don't worry, Nick. You will have a chance one day. I am sure you would be a great dad." Lance pointed out. Nick looked down at his feet, embarrassed.

"So, have you decided on a name?" he asked, ignoring him. Nick wanted nothing more than to crawl under the sofa or just run away....he was not happy.

"I have some picked out. I figure I will decide when the baby comes." Amanda said, noticing the change in Nick's attitude.

"Cool....." Nick said, not sure what else to talk about.
He really did not want to spoil their happiness by being there so he left.

"Lance, I am so glad you are taking this so well. You are so good to me." Amanda said sweetly, kissing him.

"I always wanted to be a dad, now its finally happening. I love you." Lance replied, kissing her. Amanda frowned, and there was a sickening feeling in her stomach at that moment. Normally she could have chalked that up to mourning sickness but this was different. It felt like heartache.

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