Chapter 7

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*one week later*

"You okay?" Nick heard his roomate say from the doorway. AJ McLean was older than Nick, tattoos covering his arms and neck, piercings in his eyebrow and nose. He was a total opposite of Nick, with his hair dyed blue and shaved in the back. He walked further into the kitchen, chains rattling as he walked.

"Yeah," Nick said flatly, not looking up. He was making blueberry pancakes, and the kitchen was a mess. AJ raised an eyebrow at the table full of pancakes. Nick stood by the stove, busily cooking and acting as if AJ wasn't there.

"Do you know its not Saturday?" AJ joked, but Nick ignored him and kept going. It was a tradition for Nick to make blueberry pancakes on Saturday morning. The weird part was that it was Wednesday afternoon.

"Nick?" AJ called, but he ignored him again. Their roomate, Joey walked into the room and saw all the food laid out across the table. He simply rubbed his eyes and smiled.

"Is it Saturday?" Joey asked sleepily.

"No dumbass. Its Wednesday and Nick has lost his goddamn mind. Nick snap out of it already! Ya made enough breakfast to feed the Florida Coast Guard!" AJ exclaimed.

"Dude, can I eat then?" Joey asked, looking hungry.

"Sure....sure," Nick muttered. He was a sight to behold, chunks of blueberry in his hair and batter smeared on his face. AJ was confused as he watched Nick cook and Joey wolfing down a plate of pancakes. AJ was starting to get worried for Nick, who all of a sudden dropped to the floor.

"Nick? What's wrong?" AJ asked as Nick cried, his head in his hands and tears streaming down his face. AJ ran to the phone and called Brian, the first person he could think of.

"I came over as soon as I could. Where is he?" Brian asked about ten minutes later when he appeared at the door in his police uniform. Brian was a police officer stationed in Miami....he was a good friend of Nick and AJ's. He was handsome, curly light brown hair.....deep blue eyes and a warm smile.

"He is a wreck. I think he has officially lost it." AJ pointed out as they walked into the kitchen. Brian knelt down and hugged Nick, who cried into his shoulder.

"Hey...I know you're hurting right now. Tracy is gone. But you need to stay strong, she would want you to be happy," he said softly, putting an arm around him.

"No, I won't........I will never be happy again." Nick sobbed.

"Why are you acting like this?"

"I love Amanda.......we belong together and she keeps choosing that asshole." Nick replied suddenly.

"Nick I hate to break this to you, but you got to let go of her. She is married, you and her will never be together." Brian pointed out. As much as he had supported Nick and Amanda being together, it was time that Nick moved on and everybody knew it. Nick had been longing for her for years....ever since they were young. He had never given up hope until now. Nick wiped his eyes, knowing this to be true. He would cut himself off from her slowly, until the love went away and he wasn't heartbroken anymore.

"He is right, Nicky. If she is with Lance, Amanda will never love you back. Let her go." AJ agreed.

"As much as I don't want to believe it, I think I may have to." Nick sniffed, drying the tears from his bloodshot eyes and brushing away his thoughts of Amanda and their friendship, hopefully for good.

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