Chapter 44

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"So, have a good night?" Brian asked, putting on a fake smile for his friend. Nick wandered over to Brian's driveway, his jacket slung over his shoulder. Nick knew to be cautious of Brian at this time, Brian did not look very happy to see him.

" went really well until my mother showed up." Nick chuckled. The two of them stood near Brian's car, the one Nick had bought him when he got his record deal. Brian gave him a look as if he was daring Nick to ask him how his night was.

"Well, your mother gave me a hard time last night." Brian said, his eyes not moving from Nick's.

"Sorry about that, I really appreciate that you did that. She was trying to take my brother." Nick explained.

"You realize I was trying to call you all night to come make a statement, and you ignored your phone?" Brian told him angrily. Nick wasn't really listening, he was thinking of the amazing night he had with Amanda. Brian noticed the smirk on Nick's face and snapped his fingers to jar him out of the daydream.

"What? Oh, sorry.....I was...busy." Nick responded with a grin.

"Nick, because of that I had to work a double shift on two hours of sleep. So I take it you and Amanda are together now?" Brian snapped. Nick looked at him in confusion. He didn't understand why Brian was so angry, or why when he mentioned Amanda he looked upset.

"I'm sorry, Bri....I didn't know....but yeah, I told her everything. It felt so good..." Nick

"Well, you better not screw this up....if you hurt her I will kick your ass." Brian practically shouted at him. Nick was taken aback by this statement. Brian should be happy for him, he was the one who kept telling him he should let Amanda know he loved her.

"Brian, you sound like a jealous boyfriend. That sounded like something Lance would say." Nick pointed out, and this seemed to infuriate Brian more.

"Amanda is an amazing woman and I don't want to see her hurt." Brian replied.

"Come on, Frick. It's not like you dated her or something." Nick joked. The two of them fell silent and Brian looked down at his feet.
"You didn't, did you?"

"Yes, we dated." Brian answered with a heavy sigh. He was so tired and all he wanted was to go to bed and forget everything, but now that seemed like it wouldn't

"When?" Nick asked, his eyes narrowed. He felt the air growing tense and knew he had to tread lightly from this point onward.

"While you were 'married' to Katie. She was single and I asked her out."

"How long?" came the next question.

"We broke up last week."

"Why?" Nick asked before he could stop himself.

"I told her that I loved her." Brian said, his eyes watering.
"I'm sorry Brian...."

"Really? Well, I'm sorry too. I guess she would rather have a rockstar than me." Brian answered sadly.

"Amanda loves me for who I am, not what I have." Nick said.

"If she had been with me, she would not have chosen don't deserve someone like Amanda." Brian sneered. Nick was devastated upon hearing these words, he was floored. Nick couldn't say anything...he simply walked away, walked home and locked himself in the bathroom. He filled the bathtub and lay there for a while, thinking. He knew Brian was wrong about Amanda, was obviously upset. He couldn't help but think about what Lance had said when he had come back from his first tour overseas. Nick was starting to think maybe Brian was right, but quickly shook the feeling away as he emptied the water from the bathtub and got ready for rehearsals. Amanda was happy to see him and ran over to kiss him, but when Nick hesitated she had to question why. AJ had told her Nick was upset, but she wondered why.

"What's wrong, baby?" Amanda asked, as they sat down on the stage.

"Brian..." Nick whispered, sighing. Amanda was fearing the worst, that something happened to Brian and he was hurt.

"Is he okay?"

"We had a fight." Nick explained, looking at his feet.

"Mind if I ask what it was about?"

"He said that you and him dated while I was 'married' to Katie."

"That's true, Nick...but..."

"Its okay...I'm not mad, I was with someone. You had a right to date anybody you wanted." Nick told her. Amanda was impressed with his answer and maturity of handling that information.

"So Brian said you broke up with him because he told you he loved

"Which is also true, Nick." Amanda said. She had a feeling Brian was still hurt by the breakup but he had done a good job of hiding it from her.

"Brian told me that if he had been with you, that I would have no chance." Nick said, wiping his eyes. Amanda's mouth fell open and she did not speak....Brian was not one to say something like that and it infuriated her.

"Nick, that is ridiculous. I have wanted to be with you for a long time. How dare he say that to you?"

"Its not like him....I guess he has been under stress from working so much and not sleeping." Nick stated thoughtfully.

"I don't give a damn if he was tired, he is a jerk for talking to you like that and for saying that about me. Don't worry, I will deal with him myself." Amanda said, and as she watched Nick rehearse, she got angrier by the minute and knew that this was nowhere near over.

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