Chapter 24

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Amanda walked up the porch steps of Nick's house and smiled at the Christmas decorations. Lights covered the roof, were around the wrap around deck, and each of the windows. It reminded her of the Griswalds house from the movie Christmas Vacation. Nick had gone all out decorating his house, had done it all for Aaron. It was Aaron's first real Christmas, with a tree and everything. Moving the baby closer to her, Amanda rang the doorbell and waited. She was at Nick's house because AJ had asked her to check on Nick. Amanda was alone for Christmas Eve too, as Lance was on his business trip in New York City. After waiting a while, the front door of Nick's house opened and Aaron stood there grinning. He wore an elf hat with a bell on the end and a red shirt.

"Where is your brother?" she asked with a smile. She always did like Nick's little brother and he liked her just as much if not more. Aaron invited her in and she was met with an enormous Christmas tree in the living room by the staircase. Nick had it all decked out inside as well, garland on the staircase and the tree was full of ornaments and lights.

"He is upstairs, hasn't come down for a while." Aaron said as he sat down on the couch in the living room.

"Watch the baby for me while I go look for Nick , okay?" Amanda begged him, setting Celine down on the couch.

"Me? Watch her?" Aaron asked skeptically, his brown eyes wide.

"Don't worry, she is sleeping. I will be right upstairs, so if she fusses come and get me." Amanda said before going upstairs to Nick's room. He had a large house and it took her a while to find his bedroom. She called for him and poked her head inside his bedroom. It was a large bedroom with a king sized bed and a large television.


"Yeah...." his muffled voice came from behind a closed door.

"Are you all right?" Amanda asked through the door.

"Yeah, come on in...door's open." Nick answered. Amanda was a little confused but went into the bathroom anyway. It was a big bathroom with a large tub.

"Nick, what in the-" Amanda said as she laid eyes on him. He was in the bathtub completely naked and the tub was full of bubbles.

"You never saw someone take a bath before?" Nick said calmly as Amanda blushed profusely. Even though she had seen him without clothes previously, he still looked as gorgeous as ever. He flexed his arms and smiled, Amanda felt weak in the knees as he grinned.

"I just wasn't expecting..." she stuttered with a giggle. Nick laughed too and they sat there talking for a while before Nick sat up.

"Isn't this awkward, I mean..I am in the bathtub." Nick pointed out. Just then a thought occurred to him.

"Where is Celine?" he asked.

"Downstairs with Aaron." she explained. Nick jumped out of the tub and dried before putting on his pants.

"You left her with my brother?" he asked exasperatedly as he rushed downstairs.

"Nick! She is sleeping. I am sure he can handle her." Amanda whispered as they heard Celine cry from the living room. Nick was in daddy panic mode as he rushed to the living room, but when they got there Aaron was holding the baby and singing to her. He had a beautiful voice, and the baby seemed to like it, she was content. Nick stood there in shock, he had not known his brother could sing too.

"Oh, Aaron. That was beautiful. You could be just like your brother someday." Amanda told him, and the boy blushed.

"I wasn't that good....I was only trying to sing her to sleep." Aaron said as he rocked the baby girl in his arms.

"You could do it if you wanted too, Aaron." Nick smiled at him.

"I don't wanna be will find me." Aaron replied.

"Aaron, you don't have to worry about that, you aren't going anywhere. Mom can't hurt you anymore." Nick promised him. Aaron smiled and after giving the baby to Amanda they hugged. After a while Nick made Aaron go to bed and then put on a Santa suit before going downstairs to put the gifts under the tree. Amanda laughed as she saw him...he had the red suit and everything but was missing something.

"What's so funny?" he asked when he saw her, adjusting the hat on his head.

"You look ridiculous..."

"This is for my brother if he should wake up." Nick explained while putting on the fake beard. He wasn't too crazy about the suit, it itched and was sweaty.

"Nick, Santa is supposed to be fat." Amanda commented. The red material hung loose on his thin frame, he had to keep holding up his pants.

"Its only for a little bit....I doubt he will even see me." Nick said as he laughed and grabbed for his pants again. After he put the gifts under the tree he went back to his room and removed the clothes.

"You do make a sexy Santa." Amanda said softly, looking him over. Nick laughed and the two of them looked into each other's eyes.....then began kissing. It didn't stop there, before they knew it they were making love on Nick's waterbed without a care in the world. Amanda ended up spending the night, with no regrets because nobody should be alone on Christmas Eve.

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