Chapter 41

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"I give up, Jay. Nick is never going to ask me out." Amanda said over the phone in frustration. The date with AJ had failed had been almost a week and Nick had not asked her out yet. She was becoming restless now that she and Nick were both single at the same time. If Nick loved her, he would have jumped at her the minute he was free.

"He still hasn't asked you? I thought that date would have motivated him. Nick followed us and everything....what's wrong with him?" AJ said. Amanda headed back towards the house, sighing.

"I'm never dating again, AJ. If Nick has given up, then so have I."

"Just have faith. Nick will ask you...I'm sure of this. He loves you." AJ replied. Amanda looked up and smiled....there was a single rose taped to her front door.

"I take it back." Amanda said before hanging up on him. The rose smelled of Nick's cologne and had a note attached. It said to meet him on the beach. About ten minutes after she had found the note, a delivery came for her. A long box containing a red dress had arrived, along with shoes to match. Amanda put it on and got ready before talking the baby with her to Nick's house. AJ answered the door and smiled as he took her daughter.

"Wow!" he exclaimed as she laughed.

"Nick bought this for me."

"I told you he would ask you," he replied. Amanda walked back to the deck overlooking the beach behind Nick's house and was met with candlelight surrounding her. Rose petals littered the stairs leading down to the beach followed by more candles and rose petals. Lights twinkled in the trees and Amanda was stunned at how much Nick had gone through to set all of this up. Shaking a little in anticipation, she took off her shoes and walked down the beach. Two rows of candles made a pathway through the sand until she saw a little platform with a table. Candles on the table flickered as she neared it. Nick stood next to it, his back facing her. He wore a dark suit with a powder blue dress shirt underneath and dark pants. Amanda stood there in silence until he turned around and handed her a red rose.

"I saved one for you," he whispered, grinning. He looked gorgeous, the shirt he was wearing brought out his eyes. A soft breeze rustled his hair slightly as Nick pulled out a chair for her and let her sit down, placing a napkin over he lap. He moved towards the plate in front of her and removed the cover. A steaming plate of fettucini was under it, and the smell made her mouth water. Nick poured them both champagne and they ate, Nick watching her carefully.

"This is wonderful, where did you get this?" Amanda asked. Nick looked down and blushed slightly.

"My kitchen," he said with a chuckle.

"Really? Where did you learn to cook like this?"  Amanda asked, forgetting that he knew how to cook but remembering she'd never really asked him how he learned. All he had said was that he picked it up from Brian's mom.

"When I was mom taught me to cook. I made all the meals but I didn't get to eat any of it. Then when I lived at Brian's his mom taught me a lot of stuff. I learned some more in school, I just kind of...picked it up." Nick explained. He couldn't stop staring at her, she looked breathtaking that night, her eyes twinkling in the candlelight. He had made dessert too, some kind of cake.

"Nick, why did you wait so long?" Amanda asked all of a sudden. Nick looked up at her, confused.

"Why did you wait to ask me out, I mean?"

"You want to know the truth?" Nick said sheepishly, wiping chocolate from the corner of his mouth and licking his lips before drinking champagne.

"I had wanted to ask you out when I came back from my first tour. Being away from you during those six months killed me and I missed you a lot." Nick told her.

"Okay, but-" Amanda started, but he held up his hand.

"When I came back you were engaged to Lance."

"Nick, if you had told me then that you loved me, I would have left him to be with you. Marrying Lance was a big mistake." Amanda stated.


"Yes, really! I have always cared for you, Nick." Amanda said softly, taking his hand.

"Well, I had come back from tour to tell you how I felt and Lance got to me first." Nick explained.

"Lance talked to you?" Amanda asked, setting down her fork. Nick nodded, his gaze drifting to the water nearby, as the waves grazed the shoreline. The ocean was calm that night, the moonlight dancing on the water.

"Yes, he said that I had no chance with you and you deserved better than me. Someone stable who could be there for you." Nick replied, his memory coming back. Amanda was shocked to hear her ex husband had said this just to deter Nick from expressing his feelings. After they talked Nick led her onto the sand.

"Would you like to dance?" Nick asked, bowing a little. Amanda giggled and gave him a funny look.

"There's no music..." she said. Nick clapped his hands and out of nowhere, music played...

"This isn't what I think it is."

"Yes, its the song we danced to at our senior prom. When I got my first..." Nick started, but he was interrupted by her lips. They danced right on the beach, her head resting gently on his shoulder. Nick had never felt more happy in his life as he did right now holding Amanda close to him, swaying to the music in the sand. They sat on a blanket on the beach and kissed for what seemed eternity before Nick stopped and looked into her eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by a scream coming from the house....his brother ran towards them crying. Nick stood up in concern and his brother clung to him, sobbing.

"Please don't let me go back to her!!" Aaron sobbed. The color drained from Nick's face and he took off running towards the house, leaving Amanda dumbfounded.

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