Chapter 23

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Lance walked out of the office building in Midtown Manhattan and was met with biting cold and snow. It was flurrying and windy outside as he walked away from the building on 5th Avenue. He didn't really like New York or the fact he was away from his family for Christmas, but he had to be at this conference for his company and there was no way around it. It was two days before Christmas and the stores nearby were packed with shoppers buying last minute gifts. Lance walked towards his hotel and heard a voice calling his name. Folding his coat closed, he looked up to see Katie running towards him, her heeled shoes clicking upon the sidewalk and the many shopping bags rustled in her hands. She looked pretty, her hair tied in the back and wearing a long fur coat.

"Fancy meeting you here.* she smiled sweetly, batting her eye lashes. Lance didn't have any desire to speak to her but continued the conversation.

"Yes, I am here on a business trip." he answered, shivering. Lance wasn't used to the cold of New York City....he would much rather be in sunny Florida and have no snow.

"Oh, you look for a drink and some lunch?" Katie asked brightly. A taxi ride later, they sat in a restaurant talking over drinks.

"So why are you in New York, Katie? Running away from Nick?" Lance laughed.

"I happen to have family here in New Jersey. So I am visiting them for Christmas. I took the train in to do some shopping." she explained, sipping her cocktail.

"That's nice." Lance said, letting the words trail off. He kept thinking of Amanda being in Florida...without him. He wished he could hop on a plane and go home, but it wasn't that easy.

"How is your daughter?" Katie asked suddenly, her brown eyes not meeting his.

"Oh, she is about 6 months now....Celine is a beautiful girl." Lance commented, grinning. He loved to brag about his daughter and told everyone how proud he was to be a father.

"She doesn't look like you....don't you find that odd?"

"What are you getting at, Katie?" Lance asked, his face uncertain. He knew deep down something was a little off about his daughter, but had dismissed it.

"She has blonde hair..." Katie stated, a grin playing at her lips.

"Okay, I have blonde hair too."

"Blue eyes?" Katie interrupted. Lance felt his temper rising as she spoke, but knew she was right.
How could his daughter have blue eyes? His were green and Amanda's were brown.

"Katie, how could Celine not be mine? Because I know that is what you are getting at." Lance said angrily.

"Think about it, she is nearly 6 months old....what happened 15 months ago?" Katie asked sweetly. She took great pleasure in blabbing this secret. She knew Lance would get angry.

"Amanda....went to.....Aruba." Lance muttered softly as it clicked in his mind. He placed a hand over his mouth as he finally realized.

"Oh. My. God."

"Your daughter's middle name is Nicole, isn't it?" Katie continued as she ate her chicken. Lance was filled with disgust and rage at Amanda. He couldn't believe she had been lying to him about their daughter. Well, her daughter. Lance decided it wasn't his child....Nick was the father,,,there was no mistaking the resemblance. Celine looked like her father, had his eyes and lips.

"That bastard." Lance whispered as he pounded the table with his fist. Katie giggled slightly and sipped at her drink.

"Well, it seems we have a predicament on our hands." she whispered softly.

"Okay, well I need to get rid of Nick. Could you help me do that?" Lance asked. Katie grinned and leaned closer to him.

"The only way Nick will stay away from your wife is if I marry him."

"How will you get him to marry you?" Lance asked skeptically.

"There is an event in Las Vegas on New Year's that Nick got invited to. If I can get him to Vegas it will be easier for me to marry him." Katie replied. Nick had told her a few days ago about being invited to perform in Las Vegas for a TV special but didn't want to go because it was the first New Years Eve with Aaron there. Katie had a deep hatred for Aaron because Nick seemed to plan everything around him and did not include her.

"Okay, but I don't think marrying him will be so easy." Lance pointed out. He knew for a fact that Nick had been planning on dumping Katie for a while but had not gotten an opportunity to do so.

"That's what drugs and alcohol are for. I get him trashed enough, he will do whatever I want him to."

"But won't Nick still see her at work?" Lance said.

"Well maybe I can get him fired. If he parties too much it will affect his performance. If his performance is poor she will fire him." Katie said. She didn't want Nick around Amanda any more than Lance did and was glad she could twist Lance into helping her get Nick to herself.

"Well, getting Nick fired shouldn't be too hard, I already planted that idea in Amanda's head." Lance smiled, drinking his beer. He couldn't wait for the plan to be put into action, but at the same time he knew it would cause a lot of problems in the end. His thoughts drifted to Amanda once more and remembered she was home alone for Christmas. He knew she would be with Nick....knew they would be together and it killed him.

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