Chapter 38

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Nick walked into his kitchen the next morning and smelled smoke. He panicked for a moment then began to laugh.

"What happened?" he asked as he watched Aaron hold up a black object, an extremely burnt piece of bread.

"AJ tried to make me breakfast..." Aaron giggled as he tapped the bread on the counter and it made
a clunking noise.

"Toast isn't supposed to clunk, Aje." Nick chuckled.

"I know that....where have you been all night?" AJ said with a knowing smile.

"That's none of your business." Nick grinned, the two of them just speaking with their eyes.

"Happy Birthday," AJ said, handing him a card.

"Thanks....what's that?" Nick asked, noticing a large envelope on the counter.

"I don't know. It was on our porch this morning."

"Smurfette is home, by the way." AJ added.

"Is she really? Jay, can you bring my brother to school? I need to have a nice chat with miss Katie." Nick said with an evil grin. AJ agreed and Aaron followed him out the door. Nick heard her shoes clicking on the hardwood floor coming towards him. Her face was an inch from his, and she did not look pleased at all.

"Where the hell have you been?" she demanded, hands on her hips. When Nick did not answer, she pushed him into the counter.

"Answer me."

"I don't owe you shit, Katie." Nick said, his eyes narrowed.

"What did you say?" she said, her face tense. Nick stared her down....resisting the urge to throttle her for what she had done to him.

"I should be the one asking YOU where you went. Three days you were gone, Katie!!!" Nick screamed.

"You didn't bother to check on me,"

"That is bullshit. I have been calling you and texting you, what if something had happened?" Nick said. Katie said nothing at first, she simply laughed.

"I was away...."

"Yeah, I know that! But you could have called!" Nick shouted. He hated it when she played this game with him, like he was the stupid one. She always treated him like he was some kind of an idiot.

"Katie, what day was yesterday?" Nick asked suddenly, even though he knew she did not care enough to know it was his birthday.

"Tuesday?" she responded, looking confused. Nick sighed and walked away from her, shaking his head, his blonde hair falling in front of his eyes.

"Where are you going?" Katie yelled, running after him. She grabbed his arm and pulled him back to face her.

"I'm done with you." he said softly, the words echoing in the hallway. Katie started to ask him what he meant but he looked angry. For the first time, he looked genuinely angry with her. He held up a photo in his hands, a photo of Katie making out with a guy in a club...groping him.

"Anybody look familiar?" Nick said as his face turned red. Katie's brown eyes went wide as she looked at the photo and she changed her expression.

"Where did you get that?" she yelled, still acting like she didn't know.

"That's not the point, Katie. How long has this been going on for?" he asked, his eyes watering. He blinked them away....he did not want her to know how hurt he was, but more so how angry he was. He had enough of her lies, her games.

"Baby, I would never do anything to hurt you...." Katie started. Nick rolled his eyes and shook his head at her again.

"Don't start that crap." he snapped at her.

"Why don't you believe me? I'm your wife!" Katie shouted, pushing him again. Nick looked angrier than before, she could see fire in his eyes.

"MY WIFE???? That's what you said, right? You're my wife?" he screamed, his face in front of hers and his temper rising. Katie began to protest as Nick yelled, his voice booming.

"I'm your wife!" Katie repeated, standing her ground. She did not feel afraid in front of Nick. He was too gentle of a person to do anything to her, she had nothing to worry about. She knew he wouldn't be angry for long, and then the two of them would go back to normal.

"Our marriage is a joke." Nick said, laughing.


"I AM NOT YOUR BABY!!!" Nick screamed at the top of his voice.

"How dare you talk to me like that!!" Katie screamed, raising her hand to hit him. Nick grabbed onto her wrist and held her back. She tried to release her wrist but he held it tight.

"Let go of me......I'm your wife...." Katie said through clenched teeth. Nick held up a paper in his hand as he let her go.

"You keep saying you're my wife. But that doesn't mean a goddamn thing to me anymore. You see this paper?" he shouted.

"That's our marriage license...." Katie said in disbelief. A smile slowly crept upon Nick's face and he looked at the paper, then started to tear it up in front of her.
"Are you crazy?????"

"No.....I'm doing what I should have done weeks ago. I had a nice chat with my lawyer, Denise." Nick said, still grinning.

"What does she gave to do with anything?" Katie asked as Nick threw the papers he had torn on the ground. His face was cold....his eyes empty of feeling as he looked at her.

"Next time you trick someone into marrying you, make sure the chapel you are married in is actually legal." Nick told her flatly. Katie's eyes grew wide once more and she backed away from him in shock. How had he figured out that the marriage was a scam?

"We are finished, Katie. We were never married in the first are out of here."

"You can't do that! I will take you for everything you have...." Katie screamed as Nick walked away from her. He turned around again and laughed.

"Watch me." he said as he went into her bedroom.

"What are you doing?" Katie shouted, when Nick returned with his arms full of her clothes. She protested and screamed, cried and begged as Nick walked out onto the porch and threw them onto the front lawn. Nick felt so good as he did this, he was finally getting rid of her.

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