Chapter 21

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Amanda had a trying day at the club that morning. Nick had come in with a bad attitude.....he was crabby and irritable, snapping at the band. Amanda was shocked.....but he had been like this since Thanksgiving. Frustrated, Amanda went home with a headache the size of Texas and wanting nothing more than to take a nap. However, when she got home she saw a note on the front door to follow the roses. Amanda smiled and looked down, a trail of rose petals led down the hallway to the bathroom. When she opened the door to the bathroom, Lance stood there with two glasses of champagne and a warm bath for her. The room was filled with candlelight. After getting undressed, Amanda got into the warm water and sighed as her husband gave her a glass of champagne. The two of them talked for a while and then he gave her a massage. As he gently rubbed her shoulders, his fingers moving in a circular motion against her wet skin, he kissed her neck gently.

"You are so tense, Amanda." he commented softly as the steam rose from the water around them.

"Well, rehearsal didn't go well today..." she explained. This was just what she needed after the day she had. Amanda loved Lance for his massages, he knew just where she needed it most, and was gentle. He moved to her back as she continued about her day. The way it sounded was that Nick has been wearing down on her and she was becoming more frustrated with him. Lance secretly was happy to hear this news. He did not like Nick, it was no surprise he had a strong dislike towards the singer. The two had been rivals ever since high school.
"That's not good at all, honey. You shouldn't have to deal with all that." Lance told her as his lips moved to her cheek, his hands on her lower back.

"Ever since he started dating Katie he has been so day he is fine and the next..." Amanda said, sighing as she drank the last of her second glass. She was beginning to feel like Nick was drifting away and she was losing him...there was nothing she could do to stop it.

"Haven't you considered finding someone else to play at your club? From what you are telling me, you don't need the aggravation." Lance suggested when they were on their fourth glass of champagne. Amanda started to think about what her husband had said.....the possibility of firing Nick had never crossed her mind. She knew he could easily find somewhere to perform, he was so talented. She was surprised that Lance was being so sweet because he usually didn't do things like this for her. Lance moved on to her feet next, his hands caressing them slowly.

"Who are you and what have you done with my husband?" Amanda giggled, his fingertips grazing her toes.

"I just thought you could use a stress free been so agitated lately." he whispered.

"Nick is becoming a problem with his attitude."

"I feel bad for him in a way," Lance said suddenly, causing Amanda to raise an eyebrow. It was a rare occasion for Lance to feel compassion for anyone but him or her.

"Why is that?" she asked, drinking from her glass again.

"Because he is famous....he gets people that take advantage of him for being a nice guy. I honestly think Katie is only with him for his money." Lance stated.

"Katie is a gold digger. I didn't know she was going to treat him like this....."

"It's not your fault baby."
Lance whispered. The two of them began kissing passionately, his arms wrapped around her. Amanda moaned with pleasure and they made love right in the bathtub. The two of them moved to the bedroom after that and cuddled before finally falling asleep next to each other. Amanda finally woke up around midnight and realised that she had forgotten to go to the club.

"I am so lucky to have you and Celine." lance whispered with a smile.

"Where is she anyway?"

"Brian has her...I wanted you to relax tonight."

"Oh shit.....its midnight!" Amanda exclaimed as she looked at the time again. She grabbed her phone and saw there were 10 missed calls on it, and five text messages from Nick. Two of the voice mails were from the club, two were from Nick and one was from AJ, all asking if she was all right. Amanda called to let them know she was all right, had some more champagne and fell asleep on Lance's shoulder. But before she did, she thought of Nick and how she would have a talk with him in the morning. She didn't know how she would tell him....but Nick needed to improve or she was going to replace him.

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