Chapter 40

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AJ walked into the room with a smirk on his face and dressed in a leather jacket and a nice pair of jeans. Nick looked up from the video game he was playing with Aaron and was distracted long enough to get his player killed twice.

"Where you going all dressed up?" Nick asked, sitting up on the leather couch.

"Nick, I'm winning!" Aaron said, his eyes glued to the television and pressing buttons rapidly on the game controller, his tongue hanging from the corner of his mouth as he concentrated. Nick pressed one button and Aaron's character died instantly.


"Not winning anymore, eh?" Nick chuckled. He ruffled his brother's hair and looked at AJ again.

"Really, where are you going?" he asked.

"I got a date tonight." AJ responded, looking at himself in the hallway mirror and fixing his jacket.

"Gross." Aaron commented, since he had stopped playing. AJ laughed and Nick joined him.

"You are 12, but soon you will start liking girls too." he said.

"Who are you going out with, anyways?" Nick asked as AJ moved towards the door.

"Amanda." AJ replied with a self satisfied grin. Nick did a double take and stood up, then started to laugh.

"Stop lying, Jay."

"No, really. I am going to pick her up right now."

"No you aren't."

"Yes I am." AJ argued, grinning. Nick shook his head in protest, his temper rising steadily.

"You ask her out all the time and she always says no. Why would she start saying yes now?" Nick demanded, following AJ to his car.

"Well, she is single. Amanda is a beautiful woman, she won't wait forever." AJ replied before pulling out of the driveway. Nick went into the house and paced the room for about ten minutes, running a hand through his hair in frustration. He had waited to ask Amanda out because of all the legal things Katie was trying to drag him into....and now he was an to lose her again to AJ. Sure, they were good friends...but Nick knew Amanda didn't like AJ. Did she? It was this question that troubled him.

"Nick, are you okay?" Aaron asked, watching him from the couch.

"Get your jacket." Nick instructed. The two brothers got into the SUV and Nick drove in search of AJ. Nick owned two cars, a Ferrari and an SUV. The SUV was mostly for bringing Aaron to school so they didn't stand out.

"Why are we following AJ?" Aaron asked after a while, when they pulled into the parking lot of the bowling alley. Nick did not answer his brother, he watched carefully as AJ and Amanda walked in, both of them laughing. Nick followed them inside, wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses.

"You never told me.." Aaron started again, but Nick shushed him. He thought it was odd that they were going bowling in the first place. He couldn't remember if Amanda even liked bowling...he had never been himself. Aaron started to talk again, but Nick threw him a dirty look.

"What's with all the questions?" Nick whispered angrily. Aaron fell silent and looked away as Nick watched Amanda and AJ bowling. They seemed to be having a good time, the two of them laughing and talking. He had to stop himself twice from walking over and telling Amanda he loved her, but decided against it. Nick had let her slip away once, he would not let it happen again. Everything seemed innocent until Nick saw AJ lean in and kiss her. Aaron made a face at this and Nick sighed, wondering why it upset him. He led Aaron to the car and they drove home in silence.

"Nick.." Aaron said, looking at him.

"I'm fine, if that's what you were going to ask me." Nick snapped as he wiped his eye.

"I thought you liked Amanda..."

"I do, Aaron." Nick sighed heavily.

"Why don't you tell her-"

"You are too young for this...I will figure it out." Nick replied as they went into the house. Nick went to his room and did some thinking, he had to ask Amanda out before she went on another date with AJ. Time was running out and he knew it was now or never.

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