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Sophie's POV

"I can't believe that we are already graduating college," Will whispered to me and I laughed.

I ended up taking the swim scholarship and it was honestly the best decision I have even made. We both competed at the Olympics two years ago and it was the best experience I have ever had. We both even came home with a couple of medals include 2 golds for me and 1 for him.

Em and Henry also both took swim scholarships but for different colleges but we see each other a lot especially in swim season when we are competing against each other. Will and I have managed to stay together for this long and I truly do love him.

Both Em and Henry found a partner during college. Em has been going out with this guy for three years and Henry has a girlfriend for 8 months or so but they also seem pretty committed.

I kept in contact with most of the rest of the school swim team but I haven't seen them since we had a reunion thing last year. I didn't keep in contact with Belle, Carter and Austin. I don't know where they are or anything like that.

Lucas and I have never been as close as we were. I see him when we have family time but that's it. He isn't going out with Katy anymore so I don't see her or Christina which I am extremely happy about.

I was fiddling with the ring on my finger. Will had proposed to me a few weeks ago. We had been going out for over four years though. We were going to get married any time soon though. It was just so that people knew that I was his.

The ceremony finished quickly and I headed to a nearby restaurant with our college swim team. We all bonded really quickly and there are five of us that are senior, me, Will, Alice, Dan and Ben. I promised to keep in contact with them.

Will and I both had places in the United States swim team so that will be taking up most of our time in the near future. My Mom is in charge of organising the wedding because if Will or I did it was either never happen or be a mess. I think she is planning it for in about a year.

I had packed up my dorm earlier but Will wasn't that organised. He was attempting to fit everything into the boxes. We had brought a house that was close to here so we were in the same town. I was going to coach the college swim team when I had time and he was aiming to be a teacher of five or six year olds.

I wrapped my arms around him and he stopped what he was doing.

"I can't believe that this is over," he said.

"Imagine if I had chosen dance," I murmured.

"We would have stayed together," he said firmly.

"Of course," I laughed but I didn't really want to think about it.

I love swimming so much and I would never stop it, ever.


Dancing in the Rain is official over. I hope you liked it and I should have new book up in a couple of days or so called The Life I Don't Want.

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The Wise One

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